56-0101 - Why Are People So Tossed About - William Branham


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56-0101 - Why Are People So Tossed About - William Branham

« 3-2 † This He miraculously did without making one stress at any time for money, or press. Three or four managers lost their jobs because of making a little press for money, which I would not permit it. I don't believe in it.
The people around the city here might think... Well, the Lord gave us a little home up there. That was taken up in one night that I... Someone thinks, "Well he's a multimillionaire." I wished you only knew the truth (See?); you'd know different from that. That I could've been, that's right. But I... not even begging, but just people come and say, "I give you this Brother Branham," but I refused it. I don't want it. I want nothing to do with it. It's--it's filth. I--I want my inheritance to be above: up here.

« 3-4 † And that--knowing this: that day by day, the gray hairs is coming into my head, and... And I'm not the little boy that I was that started preaching here twenty three years ago. See? And I know one thing: that no matter how much you got of this... What would it profit a man if he gained the whole world and then lose his soul?
So I seen that cursed thing. And the last few days, ministers, and people calling of different family disasters and things.

« 3-6 † A lady called me the other night. She said, "I won't tell you my name. My husband is one of the well known healing evangelists on the field." And said, "I've caught him right in the act of living in adultery with an eighteen year old girl. He--he confessed to me that he'd been doing it for two years." And said, "What shall I do, Brother Branham?"
I said, "Lady, I don't know." I said, "I'd pray for my brother, his soul." And such as that.

« 3-7 † We've tried to shun it. And He's... He miraculously met me, and helped me until about the last couple meetings. In my last meeting in California alone, and the last two meetings, I went fifteen thousand dollars in debt. That a... They said, "You have to beg. You have to tell the people. They want to be begged."
I said, "That's not my promise to God.
Some man said, "I'll underwrite it."
I said, "That isn't my promise to God."
So to keep my promise, as I would to my fellow man, I did to God. I didn't want to tell my wife and boy on the road home... I come to California, and I had to stop in the evangelistic services. I said, "I'll go back, rest up a few days, and see what the Lord Jesus says; and if nothing else, I'll come down and help Brother Neville pastor the Tabernacle." I said, "I'll--I'll do something to preach the Gospel and go to work like I used to do: patrol on the lines in the Public Service Company, or something; and preach on, and let him have Sunday morning or Sunday night, and I'll take the other service; and him have Wednesday, and I'll have Tuesday, or something like that." Or... I said, "We'll go right ahead with the services." And I said, "I'll get me a job and go to work."

« 4-2 † I did. I got me a job with Brother Wood, back there, moving houses and things. And so, I just went to work, got me a job. It hurt my wife and Billy. They said... Billy said, "Dad, I'm sure you're doing wrong."
I said, "No, I'm doing right. I keep my promise." See? I told him, I said, "My promise... No matter what it is, if a man is not as good as his word, I don't want to... You can't trust him, because he's not no good. See? There's one thing that a person must always be: that's honest. Be... Tell things so that--that you can go back and tell it a million times, and it'll be the same thing. You see? Just be honest. No matter if it's bad, or whether it's good; be honest. And if it's against you, say it anyhow; or keep still; don't say it at all. See?"

« 4-4 † And then--so then I--I--I feel that way, that God will bless an honest heart; and knowing the position that I stand in to defeat sickness and stuff for people, and prayer to the Lord Jesus according to His Divine Word and His--and His calling, then I must be honest in heart to do that, 'cause the devil knows whether you are or not. See, he won't pay no attention. I don't care how loud you holler, or how much you make up, he won't pay no attention to you. See? That's right. But God will if you're honest.

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