
Meetings with pastor, Brother Joseph Branham the son of William Branham at Branham Tabernacle. Brother Joseph proclaims the Message of the hour, is our Absolute. He has been pastor of the Branham Tabernacle Church in Jeffersonville Indiana, since Sunday September 6, 2015. Hear all the live translated streaming audio services on [a]www.BranhamTabernacle.org%2Fstreaming[/a] and [a]www.svfellowship.info%2Fservices-audio%2F[/a] . Complete recordings are now archived in other foreign languages on Sierra Vista Fellowship on www.svfellowship.info . We are committed to putting our Pastor Brother William Marrion Branham back in your pulpits worldwide. We encourage you to keep watching www.BranhamTabernacle.org for service schedules. Make your home a Tape Church! Thank you for visiting us today, may the God of our prophet the Lord Jesus Christ bless and keep you till we meet.
February 12, 2017

Lyrics "Going Home"
Spanish by Myna for Google Translate:
Muchas veces en mi vida, cuando viajé tan lejos
Al caer la noche, qué cansado me pondría
El brazo del padre se deslizaría a mi alrededor
Él suavemente diría
Mi niño nos vamos a casa

Vamos a casa, vamos a casa
No hay nada que me retenga aquí
He captado un vistazo de eso
De esa tierra celestial
Y ahora, me voy a casa

Ahora el crepúsculo se está desvaneciendo
El día pronto terminará
Tengo nostalgia, el padre para ir
Pero el padre me ha guiado cada paso del camino
Y ahora Él Lead Me On Home

Many Time In My Lifetime, When I traveled So Far
By Nightfall How Weary I'd Grow
Father's Arm Would Slip Round Me
He Gently Would Say
My Child We are Going Home

Going Home, We're Going Home
There's Nothing To Hold Me Here
I've Caught A Glimpse Of That
Of That Heavenly Land
And Now I Am Going Home

Now The Twilight Is Fading
The Day Soon Shall End
I Get Homesick, The Father To Go
But The Father Has Led Me Each Step Of The Way
And Now He Will Lead Me On Home

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