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Just previous of this chapter, we find one place there, where the Son of God spent so much time in prayer. And if Jesus had to spend much time in prayer to stay in fellowship with the Spirit that was in Him, how much more do you and I have to spend in prayer? Much time in prayer. If you only knew what time in prayer meant. What… Sometimes when you’re in prayer, God changes the—the complete destination of different things that’s going to happen. Do you believe that? Might be something fixing to happen, and your prayer could change the whole situation.Well, you say, “If God knows it’s going to happen, what would my prayer do?”16 You remember when He stood there looking out upon the harvest, He said… He was the Lord of the harvest. He said, “The harvest is ripe and laborers are but few; pray ye the Lord of the harvest, that He will send laborers into His harvest.” In other words, “Pray to Me that I will send laborers into My harvest, which I’m just telling you it’s such a needy thing.” But part of it lays in human beings. Do you believe that? The Kingdom of God lays within the human being. Now, Jesus said in one place, “I am the Vine, ye are the branches.” The vine can’t bear fruit; the branches in the vine bears fruit. God cannot bear fruit of Hisself, it’s got to take the Church. Is that right? He’s got to take you branches to bear fruit. And when you branches are yielded to the vine, then fruit comes forth. See what I mean? God wants your hands; He wants your eyes; He wants your tongue, wants your lips, wants your ears, wants your hands and feet so He can bring forth fruit through you. 17 Now, Jesus put much time in prayer. One day there He told His disciples; He said, “Now, cross over to the other side.” He sent them away while He went up in the mountain to pray. While He was up there alone, really… a storm coming up. I believe, I don’t know, but I believe if I’d been the disciples, I’d said, “I know He told us to go over, but I—I believe I’ll just wait till He comes and goes along.” I’d like for Him to be along in these cases, don’t you? So we see Him now going up into the mountain to pray. The disciples thrust out into the sea and picked up their oars, and their little ship’s sail went up, and away they started, oaring across to the other side where Jesus was to meet them on the other side. Then going in the absence of the Holy Spirit, or Christ then in visible form, on the road over trouble set in. And usually, if you start anywhere without Christ, trouble’s on its road. Just as soon as the devil sees you out of fellowship with Christ, right then he will set out for you as hard as he can. Just as soon as he sees you away from prayer, away from consecration, Satan will catch you right then if he possibly can. 18 You know, it’s… One night when Billy Paul, here, my boy, he was a little, bitty fellow. And we was living in a little, two-roomed cabin. And my wife had put this floor wax on the linoleum, on the floor, and it was real slick on the floor, and we had an old bucket out in the other room, the kitchen: had two rooms. And we were sleeping in the front room, and the next room was the kitchen. And the bucket of water set out there, the dipper. And so he woke up, and he said, “Daddy?” And I said, “What?” A little, bitty fellow. He said, “I want a drink.” And I said, “Well,” oh, I was so tired, and my, I’d walked through the patrolling. I said, “Honey, could you go get a drink there? It’s just—just inside the door.” He said, “Daddy, come, go with me.” And I said, “Oh, there’s nothing will hurt you, honey; just go inside the door.” He said, “Daddy, I’m afraid to go ’less you go with me.” 19 I thought, “Poor, little fellow.” That’s right. “God, I’m afraid to go too, ’less You go with me. Father, I know that it’s all right. You ordained ministers to go preach the Gospel, but if You don’t go with me, I’m afraid. You come go with me.” So I got up and felt around, got him by the hand. We started through the room. And just as we started through the room, she had one of these little rugs laying in there, and the little fellow slipped, and would’ve pitched right forward on his face, if I didn’t have a hold of his hand. And I held him up, like that, to keep him from smashing right down on his face. I thought, “Truly, God, that’s right. Just hold my hand in these slippery, dark places and things, while I’m searching for the water of Life. You just hold my hand as I move along.”
55-0227e - The Healing Of Jairus' Daughter
Rev. William Marrion Branham
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