Sister Louise Novodvorski (McDonald) Testimony Part 1


Sister Louise Novodvorski (Nee McDonald) (Indian from British Columbia) Testimony Pt.1 on William Branham

Sister Louise Novodvorski Nee MacDonald Testimony Pt.2

Sister Louise McDonald (Novodorski) Testimony - VGR Interview

- Sister Louise Novodvorski is the 3rd youngest child of a family of 22 siblings

- In 1963 Brother Branham told Brother Oscar (Sister Louise Novodvorski Brother) where he had lost his horse, that Brother Branham saw them in a vision. Read VGR Article here (

- Sister Louise Novodvorski tells about within her own tribe, an Indian prophet prophesied that a Prophet would come before Christ return

- Sister Louise Novodvorski Mother heard that a man prays for the sick and see’s visions and her mother said, that must be him, the one the Indian prophet was talking about

- Sister Louise Novodvorski interpreted for Brother Branham as he prayed for Sister Louise Mother, who had heart trouble, and the Catholic Priest would not go pray for her because they lived so far back in the wilderness, yet Brother Branham went and prayed and she was healed.

- Sister Louise Novodvorski secretly was going to leave her family and move away to become a Nurse. Brother Branham told her that she was planning to move away and become a nurse, which took Sister Louise by surprise because no one knew of her plans. Brother Branham told her “Why don’t you become a nurse for the Lord” and called her a Princess of Cheyenne from a vision he saw her in.

- Sister Louise Novodvorski said that Brother Oscar McDonald passed away, cause he didn’t fully obey the Lord. Brother Oscar saw Brother Branham in a vision before he died, and said that Brother Branham told him he would be leaving the world.

- Brother Branham was on a hunt near Sister Louise family, and Brother Branham wanted to see her mom to see how she was doing, when Sister Louise Mother met Brother Branham she was talking to him in their Indian language and Brother Branham was talking to her in English. Sister Louise mother didn’t understand English but was understanding Brother Branham hearing him talk in Indian. (The Holy Spirit was doing the Interpreting)

- Brother Angus (Sister Louise Brother) wanted the Holy Ghost, and did everything he could to receive it, when he met Brother Branham, he told him he was seeking the Holy Ghost, and Brother Branham said, receive it now, and Brother Angus was a changed man after that. Brother Angus needed to get across Moose Lake but didn’t have a way to get across, Brother Angus prayed and said, “Lord you allowed Peter to walk across water, will you let me get across this lake, by simple Faith he walked across the lake, and many witnessed it”

- Sister Louise Novodvorski talks about how she was promised by her dad to marry a man in an arranged marriage, but the man died before they were married, and the man’s family is unbelievers who made fun of God and was very rich. She believes that God knew what would happen if she would have married in an arrange marriage and maybe she would not have had the testimonies of meeting the prophet and telling others if she was married into the family that she was arranged by her dad.

PDF of Sister Louise Testimony with Photos in PDF format.

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