11 Hours of Relaxing Hymns For Sleeping (Hymn Compilation)


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๐ŸŽค Hymn Sing-Along Tracks: https://rosemarysiemens.com/store

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11 Hours of Relaxing Hymns For Sleeping (Peaceful Hymns, Beautiful Hymns, Calming Hymns) (with lyrics) - The most BEAUTIFUL hymn compilation! - June 2, 2022
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I hope you enjoy this peaceful, beautiful, and calming hymn compilation featuring 21 classic and beautiful hymns spanning 11 hours! Hymn list is below!

Hymn Sheet Music:

Hymn Sing-Along (Karaoke) Tracks:

11 Hours of Relaxing Hymns For Sleeping (Hymn Compilation):
0:00 I Surrender All
4:30 Nearer My God To Thee
9:11 The Old Rugged Cross
15:31 In The Garden
19:47 Amazing Grace
23:39 Jesus Loves Me
27:23 What a Friend We Have In Jesus
32:39 Just As I Am
37:04 I Have Decided To Follow Jesus
41:15 God Will Take Care of You
45:56 Close To Thee
51:01 Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
56:53 Trust and Obey
1:02:37 Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus
1:08:44 I Need Thee Every Hour
1:13:20 My Jesus I Love Thee
1:17:51 Does Jesus Care?
1:22:14 Softly and Tenderly
1:25:55 Be Thou My Vision
1:30:08 Shall We Gather At The River
1:35:06 In The Sweet By and By

Join me live for a NEW hymn EVERY Sunday at 10am EST for my Sunday Hymn Serenade - Bring Back The Hymns show on YouTube!

CD's and MP3's of all Sunday Hymn Serenade hymns are available exclusively on Patreon! ๐Ÿ’ฟ๐ŸŽถ ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป

If you would like to donate to my musical ministry via PayPal:

Mail Me!
142-757 West Hastings Street, Suite 293
Vancouver, BC V6C 1A1

Feel free to use any of my hymns for online church services! If you would like me to record a special greeting for your church or viewing audience, please email me at rosemarysiemens@gmail.com

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โ–บ iTunes: http://bit.ly/RosemarySiemens_itunes
โ–บ Amazon: http://bit.ly/RosemarySiemens_AmazonMusic
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โ–บ All Other Platforms: https://fanlink.to/RosemarySiemens

Music Credits:
Rosemary Siemens: Piano, vocals, organ, violin, string orchestra
Recorded and Produced by Eli Bennett

Sunday Hymn Serenade is made and produced by E&R Film Productions

#RelaxingHymnsForSleeping #HymnCompilation #HymnLyricVideo

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