If God said so you can do it | William Marrion Branham Quotes


If God said so you can do it | William Marrion Branham Quotes
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✅ QUOTE: 53-0508
God Commissioning Moses

Now, you want to talk about something ridiculous, let’s look coming down across the hill here now. One beautiful morning, the sun’s arising, the birds whistling, here comes an old man, eighty years old, whiskers flying this way, and a white hair bushing behind him, leading a little old mule with a wife setting astraddle with a young’n on each hip, crooked stick in his hand. Here he goes.
“Where are you going, Moses?”
“Going down to Egypt to take over!” A one man invasion, going to Egypt. Why, Egypt would just be like going over and taking over Russia.
The best mechanized units in the world was right there, but God told him, “I’m going to send you down to take over.”
“Well, you mean you’re going to take over?”
“Why? By your...”
“Yeah, God said so.” That’s right.
You say, “Are you going to take?”
“Sure, we’re going to take over now. That’s all. God said so.” That’s right. Just as long as God said so, amen. That—that settles it.
If God said so, you can do it. Is that right? Well, then let’s just take over right now, and to tell the devil, that he ain’t going to have no more to do with us. Every sick person’s going to be healed; every blinded eye is going to be opened; every deaf is going to hear; every dumb tongue is going to speak; every sinner is going to fall at the platform and give their hearts to Christ. We’re going to take over. See? God give it to us. Go on over to take over.

Daily Bread Luke 10:19
Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

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00:05 Welcome
00:12 Daily Bread
00:45 William Marriom Branham Quote

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