Sabino Canyon - Timothy H. Mullen || Brotherly Kindness


130 I went west, wondering what was going to happen. One day I got a call from the Lord. I told my wife, I said, “Honey, I’m…probably my work is over.” I didn’t know. I said, “I…God, God is probably finished with me now and I’ll be going Home. You go get with Billy, take the children. God will make a way for you, somehow. Go on and live true to God. See that the children get through school, raise them in the admonition of God.” She said, “Bill, you don’t—you don’t know that’s true.” I said, “No. But a man couldn’t survive that.” 131 One morning the Lord woke me up, said, “Get up there in Sabino Canyon.” I took a piece of paper and my Bible. The wife said, “Where you going?” I said, “I don’t know. I’ll tell you when I come back.” 132 I went up in the canyon, climbed plumb up where the eagles was flying around. I was watching some deer standing there. I knelt down to pray, and raised up my hands, and a Sword struck my hand. I looked around. I thought, “What’s that? I’m not beside myself. Here is that Sword in my hand; bright, shiny, glistening in the sun.” I said, “Now, there’s not people in miles of me, way up here in this canyon. Where could that come from?” I heard a Voice, said, “That’s the King’s Sword.” I said, “A king knights a man with a sword.” 133 He, the Voice, come back, said, “Not a king’s sword, but, ‘The King’s Sword,’ the Word of the Lord.” Said, “Fear not. It’s only the Third Pull. It’s the vindication of your ministry.”
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Not knowing what would happen later, when I got there, thinking it was the end of my life, that no one could stand the blast; and I’m sure all of you are acquainted with the story. And then in Sabino Canyon, one morning like this, while in prayer, there had been a sword placed in my hand, and said, “This is the Word, and the Sword of the Word.”
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Photo by Daria Shevtsova:
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