50-0814 - Testimony - William Branham


#WilliamBranham #MessageOfTheHour #BrotherBranham
(Read Along Sermon)
« E-1 † I'm thankful...?... Baxter. Good evening, audience. I'm very happy to be here tonight to try to pray for the sick and needy, do all that I can while I'm here to help you.
I wish to read some Scripture where it... I was enjoying very much, and just come up in the... was in the little trailer, hearing Brother Baxter's message tonight. I'm very happy that God anointed him to speak like that tonight, that God would move in our midst.
And I'm very glad to see people tonight that's Christians. I know that--know that one of the great events of this country here is a--is a ball game down here. Someone said, "Just let the ball game start, and you'll be setting in the tent alone." Well, that's--that's different. God's people loves God. You see?

« E-2 † All right, I want to read from the Scripture right quickly and go into the prayer line. It's found in John the--the 4th chapter and beginning with the 46th verse.
So Jesus came again into Cana of Galilee, where he made the water wine. And there was a certain nobleman, whose son was sick at Capernaum.
And when he had heard that Jesus was come out of Judaea to Galilee, he went unto him, and besought him that he would come down, and heal his son: for he was at the point of death.
Then Jesus said unto him, Except you see signs and wonders, you will not believe.
The nobleman said unto him, Sir, come down ere my child die.
Jesus said unto him, Go thy way; thy son liveth.
I want you to notice, he would... If it'd been a prayer line, he'd wanted a prayer card. And he wanted Jesus to come down to his house and heal his son. But Jesus did not go to his house. But first he talked real straight to him, said, "Except you see signs, you won't believe."
Said, "Sir, come or my child will die."
Jesus... (Now watch, 50th verse.) Jesus said unto him, Go thy way; thy son liveth. And the man believed the word that Jesus had spoke unto him, and he went his way.
Watch the order of the Scripture. Jesus said something, that his child was going to get well. And the man himself believed what Jesus said. See? Now, all right. Now, 51st:
And as he was now going down, his servant met him, and told him, saying, Thy son liveth. (Something had happened.)
Then inquired he of them the hour that he began to amend... (In other words, when He turned from his worse to his better)... And they said unto him, Yesterday at the seventh hour the fever left him.
So the father knew that it was of--at that same hour, in which Jesus said unto him, Thy son liveth: and... (And is a conjunction)... and himself believed, and his whole house.

« E-3 † He--he knew it was the time when Jesus said, "Thy son liveth. Go thy way, thy son liveth." And the man believed what Jesus said was the truth. Now, what if he would said, "Well, I'll go on back down, but I'm disappointed. I wish He'd have come laid His hands on him." The son probably would not have lived. But, the man believed what Jesus said was the truth. And that's why we're here tonight is because we believe what Jesus said is the truth. Now, what the people says is something else. But what Jesus said, we're ready to stand on what He said is the truth. All right. Remember that now.
Now, just before we form the prayer line, I think it would be necessary just for--give a testimony. Now, we're going to try each night to kinda get in the Spirit of the Lord in closer.

« E-4 † I've been praying all day, trying to get ready for this meeting. This is going into the second week. This is... Even in this, is the smallest audience we've ever had, as I can remember, this much time, with this much meeting. But I worry over the audience, that... And it--had it any more reverent, and as--with as good a faith, any better faith than what you have right here. That's right. And I just believe that God is going to heal every person. I--I believe that with all my heart. And I...
Now, friends, I have desired one thing in my life, to see one more time. I seen one time that every person in the building was healed at one time. I've seen that once. And there was twice, three times as many cot cases and stretcher cases as is here. And they would pile their cots together and throwed their crutches and so forth away. And people went out of that building walking, praising God, and... Now, I believe if it can happen one time, it can happen again.

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