55-1005 - The Power Of The Devil - William Branham


#WilliamBranham #MessageOfTheHour #VoiceOfGod
(Read Along Sermon)

55-1005 - The Power Of The Devil - William Branham

« E-5 † So bear with us a few moments, if you will, while we read God's Word and talk about Jesus just for a little while. That's the reason we're here, to exalt Him. And that's our motives, that--that you love Him, and worship Him. And we meet together to worship Him that way.
Now, in the Book of Exodus I wish to read just a portion of Scripture while I speak, maybe the next night or two, on this marvelous Book.
And there went a man of the house of Levi, and took to wife a daughter of Levi.
And the woman conceived, and bare a son; And when she saw that he was a goodly child, she hid him three months.
May the Lord add His blessings to the reading of His Word.

« E-6 † I always like to read His Word, because what I say might be wrong, and it might fail. But if I read just a verse out of Here, I know that the people hasn't come in vain, because that's God's Word, and It will never fail. It's always be right. Times may change, and people may change, but God's Word will never change. It's just as changeless as eternity is.
Now, this Book of Exodus is one of my favorite books of the Old Testament. The very word "Exodus." "Exodus" means "called out." In otherwise, it means the Church itself: Exodus.
They were called the people of God while they were down in Egypt. And then when they were called out, they were then the Church of God, because church means "called out, separated."

« E-7 † That's the way you--you know when you're in the true Church, when you've been called out by God, separated from the things of the world, and love the Lord with all your heart, and all your soul and mind, then you know you're in the Church.
Now, they might have different dog tags they put on you, like Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Pentecostal; but that's just the dog tag. You see?
But after all, I didn't mean it that way. Now, I didn't think about that. I--I meant the brand that you're wearing (You see?), in otherwise. That's... They have a name of, "You belong to the Methodist church," but really, there's only one Church, and that's the Church of those who are borned again. And that's the only Church. You're--you never join God's Church. There's no way of doing it at all. And you're borned in God's Church.

« E-8 † Jesus said, "Except a man be borned again, he cannot understand the Kingdom of heaven." There's no way of understanding it until you are borned again, and then God reveals Himself to you, and then you know that you've passed from death unto Life, because no man can call Jesus the Christ, only by the Holy Spirit. See?
The only way that you'll ever know that Jesus is the Christ, is when the Holy Spirit personally witnesses to you that He is the resurrected Lord Jesus. No matter what He would do, what kind of signs, what kind of miracles, you'll never know it until your personal experience with God.
You say, "Well, I believe it because the Bible said so." Well, that's good. The Bible, it's true. It knows it. "Well, the preacher said so." Perhaps, he knows it. "Mother said so." She knows it. But what do you know about it? You'll never know it until it's revealed to you individually by the Holy Spirit. And then, by accepting it, you become a new creature in Christ Jesus, borned a second time.

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