Brother Branham Home Video


7 When I hear these fine young fellows testifying of their faith that’s centered in Christ…And I—I’m getting old, and I…one day I’ve got to—to—to quit and go Home. And see these young fellows coming on who’s ready, and preparing themselves to pick up where I leave off…And that’s the way we do. That’s the way life is laid out. That we…one generation will move up…and father and mother. And they raise their little ones, and see them marry; and the grandchildren come along. And after a while, down goes Daddy and Mother to the dust. And then, by that time, the children then is ready again for grandchildren; and then, down they go. But there’ll be a great, general resurrection one of these days. We’ll all be called into the Presence of God to give an account for what we have done with what God gave to us: Jesus Christ. And so, I’m so glad to know that I’ve lived in this generation with such a fine bunch of people, that’s around the world, that I’ve met. I—I just—just thankful to God. And someday when my summons comes, well, I’ll—I’ll have to go meet the deeds that I’ve done. I want them to be all to the glory and honor of God.
64-1227 - Who Do You Say This Is?
Rev. William Marrion Branham

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