Demonology (Read Along) Sermon Series - William Branham


#WilliamBranham #Demonology #Spirits
Brother Branham Explains how Satan works in physical and religious realms today, and how God has given us the Holy Ghost power to overcome every evil demon and spirit.

This read-along sermon series includes the following sermons:
1. “Demonology #1 – Physical Realm,” June 8, 1953 afternoon
2. “Demonology #2 – Religious Realm,” June 9, 1953
3. “Enticing Spirits,” July 24, 1955
4. “The Contest,” December 31, 1962
5. “Believing God” (previously entitled “Casting Out Devils is Casting Out Unbelief”), February 24, 1952

53-0609A Demonology Religious Realm
53-0608A Demonology Physical Realm
55-0724 Enticing Spirits
52-0224 Believing God
62-1231 The Contest

« 46 † But now, what about a cancer? Let's talk of him a little bit. Now, God give you your life. And say, here you are today; here I am. There's--there's--there's nothing on my hand. But there might be a cancer on my hand sometime. Well, how'd that cancer get there? Let's see what that cancer is. Now, let's take him apart; let's go take him. Now, he's a bunch of cells too. Did you know that? Tumor, cataract, any of those things are cells. They don't have no form. Some of them spreads out, and some look like a spider, and some looks--run streaks, a red cancer, just like long red threads that runs through. And the--then there's a rose cancer which usually comes on the breast of a woman; it's like pancakes laying on one another, and then they go spraddling out. And they just grow anywhere.

« 47 † Sometimes tumors are lopsided this way, long, oblong, and everything. They have no form, because they're after a spirit which has no form. But it's a developing of cells; it's a bunch of cells that. Say in you right now is a tumor or a cancer just developing cells, growing, growing, growing; it's eating, sucking your life from you; it's living on the bloodstream. Cataracts take the mucus of the eye and grows right over it, covers hisself over, shut your eyes off. Some of them comes and never gets... Like tubercular, that comes just in little small germ. There's nothing to the size of it. The same size germ makes an elephant, makes a--a chigger. See? Nothing to the size of the germ.
And some of them take body form, some never does. And some never goes into cells. Some becomes spirit, torments the soul. We'll try to get that part in. I'll leave that part for tomorrow afternoon, if I can, where that soul-spirit comes, and how down under here it in...

« 49 † Now, friends, I'm not telling this from some kind of a psychologic. I have dealt with demons for years, and you know that. If you only knew the thing, after the services is over at night, what goes on sometimes. You don't know. Remember, when you come against a spirit, you better know what you're speaking about. Just don't stand there and carry on, 'cause it ain't going to do any good. But when actually a demon has to obey you, he'll recognize it. It ain't how loud you holler; it ain't how much oil you put on. It's what's back here that he'll recognize. It's the truth. Jesus just said to him, "Come out." See?
« 50 † Remember, the disciples had been kicking, and twisting, and trying to cast him out, and everything. They said, "Why couldn't we cast him out?"
Said, "Because of your unbelief." Said, "Come out of him." The boy fell and had the hardest fit he ever had. See? See, they recognize authority.
Look at those boys down there, those vagabonds who seen Paul casting out devils. They said, "We can do the same thing," some priest's sons. So they go down and said, "We can cast out devils": Acts 19. They went down to a man had epileptic fits, and said, "We adjure you by Jesus, come out of him." The devil said... "Now, in the Name of Jesus who Paul preaches..."
The devil said, "Now, I know Jesus and I know Paul, but who are you?" And you know what happened: jumped on the men, tore their clothes, and they had the fits themself, and run out into the street.
« 54 † Them same demons live today. So there is a lot of fanaticism. This is the church this evening. There's a lot of fanaticism in the land today, called Divine healing, that ought to be shut up. That's what brings reproach upon the real cause. That's why you have such a hard struggle. There's a lot of stuff called religion today that ought to be shut up. [] Nothing but cults. That's what makes the true church of God have such a hard struggle with it. But we're America (See?), and that's the way it'll be. God says the wheat and creepers and briers grow together. Don't try to pluck them up. Let them grow together, but by their fruits you know them. There's no fruits, why, there's no life, there's nothing there.

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