HE CARETH FOR YOU - Rev. William Marrion Branham song 84


give us a chord there, brother, of “He Careth For Thee.” Will you? “He Careth For You,” you know.


This is what I want to sing to you, and you sing back to me now, everybody. How many know it? “He Careth For You,” let’s see your hands? (All right. Lead us off now. All right.)

He careth for you,

He careth for you;

Through sunshine or shadow,

He careth for you.

Let’s all together now sing it. Come on.

He careth for you,

He careth for you;

Through sunshine or shadow,

He careth for you.

83 Listen. Let’s let this middle aisle sing it for the rest of you. Sing it with me, just this middle aisle through here. Come on now.

He careth for you, (They’re singing to you all.)

He careth for you;

Through sunshine or shadow,

He careth for you.

Let all the sick people that can to stand, all the sick people, stand, that’s going to be in the prayer line. Now, you people here that’s well, let’s you and I sing it to the sick people that’s going to be in the prayer line.

He…(Point your finger to them.)

He careth for you,

He careth for you;

Through sunshine or shadow,

He careth for you. (Let everyone stand now.)


84 Now, turn around and shake hands with your neighbor. Everybody sing “He Cares For You.” Shake hands with somebody standing by you.

He careth for…(That’s right. Turn right around with a good handshake.)

He careth for you. (Let’s sing it again.)

He careth for you,

He careth for you;

Through sunshine or shadow,

He careth for you.

Let’s all say “Amen.” Come on. It won’t hurt you. Now, say, “Praise the Lord.” Come…Praise the Lord. Now, let’s hear us all say together. “I love my neighbor.” [The congregation says, “I love my neighbor.”—Ed.] “From this time on, I’ll try to be Christ’s servant.” From this time on, I’ll try to be Christ’s servant.

He careth for…(Oh, my, get right into it.)

He careth for you;

Through sunshine or shadow,

He careth for…

85 Chord it slowly, brother. Now, let’s bow our heads.

    48-0302 - Experiences
    Rev. William Marrion Branham

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