How to see the glory of God || William Branham


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[Sermon] 64-0614M — The Unveiling Of God - William Branham

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327 But the Shekinah Glory ripens the Seed that’s promised for that hour, of the Word, showing Him to be still the Lily of the Valley. It brings forth that Seed, the Lily of the Valley, the Bread of Life, the Alpha and Omega, the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is the believers’ portion. The Shekinah Glory reveals, to the believer, He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
64-0614M — The Unveiling Of God

306 Now breaking into the veil, through the veil, into His Presence, where the Word is (not the creed), the Word; in there seeing the Shekinah Glory, the Shekinah, the Power, the Holy Spirit shining upon the Word, bringing forth the promise, shows you’re behind the veil. Amen!
64-0614M — The Unveiling Of God

333 What’s this Shekinah Glory today? To break beyond the veil, to see Who God is standing before you, see Who God is standing here before us, the—the Pillar of Fire. He is veiled in human flesh. But what does the Shek’nah, what did it do? The Shewbread Seed, the Word that we’re to live on in this day, by these promises, the Shekinah Glory ripens that Shewbread, brings It to pass, makes It Bread to the believer; that laid in the pages of the Bible, year after year, the Word for this age.
64-0614M — The Unveiling Of God

335 But what’s it to be done in the last days? What is “to reveal”? “Bring forth!” What’s Malachi 4 to do? To turn back the people from that stumbling block, to break down the traditions, and to reveal the Bread with the Shekinah Glory. Watch It ripen and produce just exactly what It said It would do, oh, my, the Shewbread for this age. To the denomination, a stumbling block, “a bunch of fanatics.” But, we who believe!
336 But now as Revelation 10 has promised, “All the mysteries of God, that’s been hid in the pages down through them years, would be ripened, brought forth in the age of the seventh angel’s Message.” Is that right?
64-0614M — The Unveiling Of God
295 The Word manifested, or revealed in that Revelation in there, then what does that puts me? If He is that Shekinah Glory, I’m part of It. Amen! Oh! Amen! That’s right. The Word Itself revealed, reveals Itself.
64-0614M — The Unveiling Of God
Rev. William Marrion Branham

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