Stories by William Branham (3+ Hours of Uplifting & Enjoyable Stories for Children to Hear)


#WilliamBranhamStories #VoiceOfGod #BibleStories
(3+ Hours of Uplifting & Enjoyable Stories for Children to Hear)

We are all familiar with Hattie Wright and her profound statement that led to the salvation of her two sons. Brother Branham told us about the 42-inch caribou and the prophecy that was fulfilled with the silver tip grizzly bear. The killer bull laid in wait for anyone who would challenge his authority, but Brother Branham didn’t need his pistol to stop that giant in his tracks.

Brick by brick, story by story, revelation by revelation, the Lord has built our foundation in Jesus Christ by feeding us the Word. As we grow older, we see the real meaning of these stories. Sister Hattie’s greatest desire was not for a life of wealth or even the healing of her crippled sister. She knew that salvation was the most worthy request, and she was given this great Gift because of her simple yet profound words: “That’s nothing but the truth.” We can all relate to Brother Bud Southwick as he scanned the barren hills and found no sign of a bear, yet he was told to have faith. No matter how unbelievable or ridiculous Brother Branham’s words may have seemed, they came to pass exactly as they were spoken. As the killer bull rose from his bed to kill the intruder, God gave His servant the most powerful weapon in the world: Love. What greater enemy does Satan have than love?

Even though the real meaning behind these stories may be subtle, they are interesting and enjoyable for a child to hear. Later in life, the foundation built by hearing these stories at a young age will give them strength to stand against the enemy.

Title List of Stories told by Brother William Branham

Daddy's Got All Of Me
Kentucky Produces Some Great Men
Shadrach, Meshach And Abednego
A God With Skin On It
Dead Boy Raised In Finland
Killer Bull
Shamgar And The Ox Goad
A Mother's Prayer For A Baby
Did You Say This Baby Came From Heaven
Little Bitty Sun Fish
Sic Em Boy
Are You A Rider
Digging With A Spoon
Looks Like A Haint To Me
Simple Little Pigeon
Arnold Von Winkelried
Dishwashing Detergent
Mama, Could Anyone See God
Stolen Popcorn
Big Fine White Robe
Don't Worry Little Sister
Me Sick
Stolen Sugar
Billy Sees Angel
Ducks Know Their Leaders
Mexican Baby Raised To Life
Sun Tan With A Barrel Slat
Blind John Rhyn
Eagle In The Barnyard
Mother Deer
The Bicycle Race
Brother Branham And The Three Bears
Feeling In It
Mother Opossum
The Devil's Stirrups
Bubbling Springs
My Wife's A Christian!
The Hornets' Nest
Calming The Storm
Funny Looking Soldier
Nothing But The Truth
The Hound Dog That Ate The Glass
Caribou And Grizzly Bear
Green Eyes
Peppermint Candy
The Magic Flower
Chatter, Chatter, Chatter
Honoring The Resurrection
Prescription For Jesus
The Maniac In Portland
Congressman Upshaw
Horse Smells The Storm
Read Your Name In There
The Old Mexican Man
Coon Grease
Indian Guide
Robin's Red Breast
The Snakebite
Jeffersonville Fire Department
The Swimming Hole
Three Squirrels
Turtle On Fire
What If Jonah Isn't There

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