50-0100 - Diseases And Afflictions - William Branham


#WilliamBranham #MessageOfTheHour #VoiceOfGod
(Read Along Sermon)
« 1 † I want to explain something... [Public address system causes loud feedback noise--Ed.]... some vital things that you should know. My voice is not very loud, so I probably have to get over here. If the Lord permits, Sunday afternoon, I want to speak to you in a evangelistic Gospel sermon, for Sunday afternoon. And we are expecting some great things for the Lord to do for us this week.
One thing is concerning... Many here would not hardly understand just how that these prayer cards are--are given out to the sick and the afflicted. In three years of trying, this is the only program that I've ever found that was really looked like was blessed of God.

« 3 † First we would just go in and have no cards at all, and just let the people line up. It was such a congestion to... Then I'd get to pray maybe fifteen, twenty minutes at a time; the crowds would get on me, and they'd have to pull me out.
And then the next, started, we would send the prayer cards ahead to the ministers. And each minister sponsoring, maybe there'd be fifty or more churches throughout the area would sponsor the meeting, and each minister would have at least a hundred cards. Every minister wanted his congregation first. He would give them to his congregation and probably the entire four or five nights, just one minister's congregation would get in, the rest of them would feel very bad about it.
Then we thought about having the local people, just the local people in the community; and sometimes people come for as many as seven, eight thousand miles to the meetings. That wasn't right.

« 6 † And the only way that we found that we could be really... let the Lord make the way, is to come and take prayer cards, about fifty of them, and just give them out to the groups of the people, and no one knows just who is going to be in.
I seen the time that I give out fifty cards and not one of them be called. Start into the meeting, and the Spirit of the Lord lead me right out amongst the people, like that, never even use the prayer cards.
I seen the time I'd sit on the platform, and I'd just start to speak, and I'd just lose my whole self for an hour or more, time, while calling the first one, and then the other like that. I'd... Every one healed.
Many people rally for the--the line then. I've made this remark; it's the truth; it's been good for five year... for three years now. Pardon me. Every person comes to this platform is healed. There's never been nothing, no matter how bad it was twisted, and crippled, or afflicted, it's always healed. There's been some hideous cases. But I... Maybe, in one night's time, I'd just be able to get maybe three or four or five. Maybe sometime...

« 10 † I seen once at Calgary, Canada, where only got two, where twenty-five thousand people had gathered: two.
One was a boy been afflicted for eighteen years; his hand was drawed under him. He was in a wheelchair. His mother had pawned her wedding ring to keep him. He had been in about seven or eight meetings, never could get a card. Finally his time arrived for him to be at the platform. Boy walked off the platform. Next morning, he shaved himself for the first time in his life. Met me out there on the ramp when the plane came down at Vancouver to shake my hand.
The little girl was the next. The little girl, Catholic by faith, one leg was four inches shorter than the other. We had about a hour and something with that little girl. And this same Bible... When they brought her there, she would go way down to the side. I laid this Bible on her head; she walked just as normal as any child, back and forth across the platform, when--when the twenty-five thousand people setting, looking on. But those things, we just say...

« 13 † I don't know no one in here who has a prayer card, or who will be first. We give out those cards and then we come in.
I will try and give you an idea. My brother says, "I gave out fifty cards."
I come into the building; I might meet a little child. I'd say, "Can you count?"
Say, "Yes, sir."
I say, "Start counting."
Maybe he'd count up to ten, fifteen or twenty, and stop; wherever he stopped, I'd start the prayer line. If he stopped at twenty, I'd start the prayer line at twenty, and maybe go forward or backward. Maybe the next night I would count off so many people in a row and divide it by two, and see what number it is, or something like that.

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