53-0500 - Prayer Line - William Branham


« E-1 † All right, do you believe that to be the truth? Do you believe it? Do you believe if--if--if the Angel of the Lord, Who I've been testifying about, sent me here to pray for you, that what I tell you is the truth? He told me to go pray for the people. Now, not go heal the people, go pray for the people. And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, God shall raise them up, not me: God. If you'll just believe, and I'll pray, be sincere with every one of you. Do you believe you'll get well now? Now, you don't. It don't matter, the Holy Spirit, if He doesn't tell you one thing, still you believe that it's the truth, is that right? The rest of you out there, you believe the same thing? All right, then just be reverent. All right, now, Billy if you'll help lead them up here. Now, you believe. Believe God will heal you? Now, I. You're here and you're sincere, I am too. Now I want you to be well, God knows that. And I believe you want to be well, or you wouldn't be here. Now, if I'll ask God to heal you, do you believe He'll do it? All right, I'm going to ask you, what's your trouble? [The sister says, "Arthritis in the spine."--Ed.] Um-hm, and you have arthritis in the spine, um-hm, [The sister continues telling her condition--Ed.] and yes, uh-uh, yes, um- hm. Now, you believe I knowed that before you told me? I certainly did. If God's my Judge, I knowed you, when you, before you walked up there, you had it, see. But. ["Mine too."] Yes sir. But now look lady, let's let that go, see, we... That's right. But will you believe that the truth of it is, that--that if I pray for you God will heal you? ["Yes, sir."--Ed.] You do? All right, come here.

« E-2 † Now, our Heavenly Father, here's something new, but I'm doing just what You told me. You said, "Get the people to believe, and then pray for the sick." And if. And You said You'd heal them, if I could get to believe and would be sincere when I prayed, that not even cancer would stand at the prayer. Lord, I'm not responsible for that, but Thou art. And I'm doing what You told me, and I pray that You'll heal this woman with her, all of her conditions, and will make her well, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen. God bless you now, sister, go believing. Now wait, just a. You believe that you're healed with the arthritis? Let's just move your feet up and down. Do you believe right now you're healed? Why sure you are. There, now you're healed, aren't you? Now, here let the lady testify. Are you healed, sister? ["Yes sir."--Ed.] Now, raise your hands up like this. Now say, is that right? You see, it isn't discernment, it's the prayer of faith that saved the sick. He's. God bless you, now go rejoicing, and never have arthritis no more. Now, come, sir. It isn't. It isn't discernment, now, don't think that He's not here. He is. He's here, can do anything that He wishes to. That's exactly the truth. Just have faith. Now, this man here, now, you know, I don't, I don't have to tell you what's wrong with you. You know what's wrong with you, but I can tell you what's wrong with you. You believe that? By the gift of God, you believe that? [The brother says, "Yeah."--Ed.] Sir? ["Yeah."--Ed.] All right, what's wrong with you, you have stomach trouble. Is that right? ["Yeah"] You been operated on, and they took a big portion of your stomach away, and it was caused by an ulcer. And the ulcer's come back, is that right? And you have a habit that you're doing: smoking. And you shouldn't do it because that nicotine goes right into your stomach and keeping your ulcer going all the time. Will you forsake it all? Then go, get healed, in the Name of the Lord Jesus. Amen. Let's say, "Praise the Lord," see. All right, come, lady. Now I don't have to tell you what's wrong with you. You know what's wrong with you, don't you? But do you want me to tell you what's wrong with you? Well, you have TB. Is that right? Then go on and get healed. I say. Let's see, now come, see. Now, you don't have to do that...?... do you believe sir? If--if I tell you, yes or no, don't make any difference, or anything about you, you believe if I pray and ask God, He'll make you well? Lord Jesus, I pray that You'll heal the man. He's got faith, he believes that, he wants to get well. Go heal him, Lord, in Jesus' Name. Go right on, sir, believe with all your heart. All right, come, you believe, sir? Without saying a word, if I ask God, God will make you well, is that right? Come here. Lord Jesus, with the sincerity of my heart, I pray that You'll heal this man. Now, he's come here sincere. He's come wanting to be made well, and I ask that You'll do it. In Jesus' Name, I lay my hands on him. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]

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