53-0608A - Demonology Physical Realm - William Branham


#WilliamBranham #MessageOfTheHour #VoiceOfGod
(Read Along Sermon)

« 1 † Now I ...?... [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] This is the first time I've ever did it in any of my meetings since I've been on the field. This is a new time. Brother Baxter is gone; and--and Brother Bosworth's in India, or, Africa; and Brother Baxter, I don't know where he's at. He's gone somewhere, and the rest of them's out and gone. And Billy and I are here alone, so we're just having a great time: just rise, slaying and eating. So, we--we kind of feel like that maybe we can, with the help of the Lord, we could carry the meeting right on through ourself. That's the reason I was glad to see it go over a little bit, for that one reason. I believe the Lord will help us do it.
Now, you know, there's... I love my management. I have some lovely brethren: Bosworth, Baxter, Lindsay, Moore, all that's got five of them. Baron Von Blomberg. They're just very fine men, but there's just something about, when you get a group of men together, one has one thing, one has another. Sometimes that's contrary to what I think myself. So I--I--I feel like I'm just free now and we can just have a big time (Uh-huh.), just roll up our sleeves and just dive in and eat. I--I think about rolling up your sleeves, and having a big time...[Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.]
My first Bible was nature. I learned God through nature. And I could fish. My, I love to fish. And you like to fish, sonny boy? If you like to fish, and love your mother, you're going to make a good boy. And even my conversion didn't taken it all out of me. So one day I was up in the mountains a-fishing away. Now, this is just for the benefit of this little boy. And I was fishing up there in the mountains. And for the other little kiddies, of course, setting around... And I was fishing trout. And, oh, it's wonderful in the springtime. I go along like that. There was a trout just in the next hole, you know, like that, and just praising the Lord and having a big time, shout sometimes, drop my line down. I believe in shouting. Amen, I sure do. 'Cause I know something gets a hold of me, and it just does something to me.

« 2 † So I'd been gone quite a little bit that morning, and when I come back, the strangest thing: There's a lot of bear in the country up there in New Hampshire. I had a little camp up there where I fish at. And I had a little old tent setting up, a little old pup tent I'd been living in. And a black bear is the most mischievous thing there is. So an old mother bear and a couple little cubbies had got in there, and had they made havoc of my tent.
Now, what do you think I ought to have done to that bear, little girl back there with that red hair, back there? I ought to have got after him really, shouldn't I?

« 4 † But here's what she done. She come in; she tore my tent down, and she scattered everything out, and eat up all my food I had there, and she was just doing fine. So when I come up, away she went. And she squealed to her cubs, and one little cub run off with her. And the other one wouldn't run; he just set there. He had his back turned to me, like this, and he was doing something. And I didn't have nothing in my hand but a little old hand axe I'd been chopping around on some elders down there. Well, she run off about far as, oh, I guess that telephone pole out there, and she set down. She squealed to this little old bear, and he didn't pay any attention to it. He just kept setting there.

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