53-0904 - Healing What Cancer Is - William Branham


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(Read Along Sermon)
53-0904 - Healing What Cancer Is - William Branham

« E-9 † A woman standing in the place was come to the platform, a very healthy looking woman, told her where she'd been, what had taken place, and the only thing was the matter with her was a cyst on the ovary. And they said "She's... Get ready for death or you're not going to live but a little bit."
She went down and set down with her husband, thinking, "Well, how could this be?" and died right there. See? That's it. Dropped over dead. See? See, He--He... I can only say... Now, if I was a healer, I would've healed the woman. But I was just taking a message of what God said. See? God said her time was come, and that's just what happened.
She went down saying... Said, "Couldn't even believe it." But she was dead in just a few moments after that. Just perfectly normal walked across with a little cyst on the ovary, told her she'd been to a doctor, and told her who the doctor was, and what he looked like, and what he had told her. She said, "That's the truth."
And I said, "You was with your husband. He set in the hall."
"That's right. Exactly the truth."
I said, "Prepare for death, for it's near you." See? For I seen her funeral procession going out, and I knew that she was going to go. See?

« E-10 † Now, there is sometimes on the platform that I do see people that He doesn't say nothing. You just see it turn dark. Well, I know that's death. Well now, I never pronounce death, 'less I see something that's in the passed that, because if you don't--if you don't--if you do, prayer can change God's opinion about death. Did you know that? That's right. See? That's right.
Hezekiah wept one time, didn't he? He just... And asked the Lord after He'd set death for the prophet, and the prophet told him to get his house in order, but Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and wept bitterly. Then the prophet came back and told him God had heard his prayer. So he changed... Prayer changes things, doesn't it? That's right. Sure does, and we believe that's so tonight.
But now, remember. Growths and such as cancers and things... Now, many times you watch what the Spirit's saying. If you have any mistake or any confusion, pick it up on the recorders. You'll see just exactly what it says. And just what it says, that's just the way it'll be (See?), no matter how long it takes.

« E-11 † I've told you many times in the testimonies of the people, of how sometimes it'll--the Angel of God will pronounce that. In a case here I was... I don't know whether I was telling the other day or not. A woman had a stomach trouble, another one with a growth on their neck, and the Spirit of the Lord told them that they were healed, told her to go home and eat.
Why, the woman couldn't eat. She tried for six weeks nearly and she'd just make her so sick, but she kept trying. And one morning while in breakfast, the dishes was being washed, she felt a cool something sweep over her. She found out she could eat. She ran to her neighbor to tell her about it, and she found her neighbor just screaming and shouting. The growth was on her neck had left.
What was it? The Angel of the Lord, six weeks later, passed through that neighborhood, confirming the Word of God with signs following. See? He has to do it.
How many knows that Daniel prayed one time, and the Angel couldn't even get to him for twenty-one days. You remember that? See? We still serve the same God. The same angels are into existence, and we know.
Now, a lot of times like on cancer... Some of you don't get here maybe for the instructions, but a cancer... Let's find out just for a few moments now what a cancer is. I see I got five minutes. I'd take this.

« E-12 † Cancer is a... Well, it would be called every thing of the natural. Now, that's how I study God first, was from His trees and plants and so forth, and I, God willing, Sunday I want to preach on "God In His Universe, God In His Son, God In His Word, God In His People," and just show you how close God is here to us. He's right around us all the time. He's with us, even in us to the end of the world, and you can see Him operating through His nature, through the solar system, through everything, through... He's just--He's just God in the universe; that's all.

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