54-0314 - Why Im Praying For The Sick - William Branham


#PrayingForTheSick #HealingForTheSick #DivineHealing
54-0314 - Why Im Praying For The Sick - William Branham

« E-14 † After while, the lady come back around again. She seen the baby again. The Holy Spirit said again, "Go, pray for the baby."
So the timid, little mother, you know, walked up to the lady and said, "Sister, I see you have a prayer card. Perhaps Brother Branham will pray for your baby tonight."
And she said, "We're hoping that the number will be called, sister."
And she said, "Would you excuse me if I said something to you?"
Said, "Certainly, sister."
She said, "I'm a Christian too." And said, "I'm a mother. And just to relieve my conscience," she said, "for the last thirty minutes, since you been standing there," said, "I--I feel that--that God wanted me to pray for the baby. Would you mind if I just prayed for it before you took it up?
She said, "Why, certainly." And she let the little baby out. And the mother prayed for it, and said, "Thank you." Walked back, very timid, little southern mother, set down. And when she went back to set down, someone had got the seat. So she had to go way up in the balcony.

« E-15 † And so, that night on the platform, sure enough, when the--the... She was in the prayer line, when the prayer was called. And then, when the lady come up on the platform, when she got near...
Now of course, in praying for the sick, all of you know how it happens. I don't know what I'm doing, just a subconscious condition. And--and looking back over the recordings that was being taken, the lady was told by the Holy Spirit, said, "You... Your baby had a certain-certain disease."
But said, "There was a--a woman today with a--dressed a certain way, prayed for the baby, and it's been healed." And there was the little lady, setting up there in the balcony, just screaming. See? Now, God had ordained that that woman should pray for that baby. You see how it was? So the Holy Spirit... The Bible said, "Confess your faults one to another and pray one for another (Is that right?), that you may be healed." And that...

« E-16 † See, there's no individual person can heal. And there's no--no person could save you against your will or heal you against your will. It has to be your attitude towards Jesus Christ, what determines your healing.
Now, God has sent ministers to preach the Gospel. He put His Word out here, but He put ministers to preach It. He put the different things. But His church... But He has got members in this church or people in this church that... God has set the church in order. And if the people would just get in the place where God put them, and then the church would be in order. Now, that's...

« E-17 † I believe this, that the only through that, and the... Since I've been with the Pentecostal people... And I explain that as a doctrine. I believe that gifts and callings are without repentance. See, there's no way at all for you to do anything... I believe in the election of God, that God does the electing; God does the calling. You, taking thought, could not add one cubit to your stature. See? But whatever God has determined to be, it will be. And you are called by election.
I've heard people say, "Oh, I sought God day and night." No man never sought God at any time. God seeks man, not man seeking God. The very nature from the garden of Eden... God... Instead of man running through the garden hollering, "Father, Father, where are You?"
It was God that hollering, "Adam, Adam, where are you?" See? And today the sinner does the same way.

« E-18 † Well, we could take much time on that, but just to show you that it's truth. Jesus said, "No man can come to Me except My Father draws Him first." So man don't seek God; God seeks man. And God calls men by election (See?), fore--foreknowledge of God. Like when, Jesus Christ, when He was born, He was the Son of God. He couldn't help 'cause He was the Son of God. He was foreordained the Son of God. Before the world begin, He was the Son of God. And He was the woman's Seed from the garden of Eden that was to bruise the serpent's head. He had nothing to do with it. It was already planned out.
When Moses was born, he was a proper child, not because he was Moses, not because he had done something, but because God chose him before he was born.

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