54-0902 - South Africa Testimony - William Branham


#SouthAfrica #EndTimeMessage #MissionTrip
(Read Along Sermon)
54-0902 - South Africa Testimony - William Branham

« E-1 † Shall we bow our heads while we remain standing, just for a word of prayer.
Our kind heavenly Father, as our voices has been ringing out, "Lord, I Believe," we're thinking of the day that when that when the man with the epileptic boy came to You, and he said, "Lord, I believe; help Thou my unbelief." And we pray that same prayer tonight, Father, that we believe, and we pray that You'll help our unbelief. Let our hearts be open tonight and ready to receive whatever You'd have for us in store for this night. And may we have a wonderful blessing tonight, because we're standing under expectations, believing that You're going to do it. Because we ask You to do it in the Name of Your Son, Jesus, Who said that He would grant whatever we ask in His Name. Amen.

« E-2 † The Lord bless you, my dear friends. It's a great privilege to be in Saint Nicholas Arena in New York City here, to minister to you dear people in the Name of our loving Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ.
And I was thinking tonight as on the road over, of how a person that I very seldom get to mention anything about, and that's Sister Brown, and Brother Berg, of the Glad Tidings Tabernacle. I haven't even no more than just about shook their hands with them a few moments one day, and they're... To me they have been people who haven't never pushed themselves to anything; they're very humble and quiet, nice people.
I will never forget how dear that Brother Berg looked to me when I got back from Africa the last time, see him standing out there waiting for me, sure thrilled my heart. We went out and had a nice hamburger together. They sure taste good for the first time for a long time. And I kinda hope that he comes back again this time.

« E-3 † You know that they... You know, you've heard the old saying, "It's great to be American. That's more than a saying; that's the truth. It really is. It's--it's wonderful to be an America. That's the reason sometimes I think the evangelist and so forth, hammer away at sin; they just hate to see it creeping in our lovely nation. I think of Plymouth Rock and how our forefathers fought for this freedom of religion. And today to see what would they do, those old ministers back in those days, to see the way things are going. That we--we need a real good old fashion nationwide Holy Ghost-sent revival to shake this nation. We really do. Without that I'm--I'm afraid we're going to perish, friends.
And I--I love my country. Oh, I love my country. I--I wasn't in any of the wars. The first one, I was too young; the last one, they wouldn't take me, because being a minister, they just put me in 4-D. And I didn't perhaps, have education enough to qualify as a chaplain, and they never called me. My brothers went. Several of them's hurt. Some of them's laying wounded up yet today from it.

« E-4 † And I was in France and Germany, I probably walked over the grave of a many dead Branham. And if it come my time to die for this nation, I'd be glad to do it. If there's anything to keep freedom rolling. If it isn't worth living for, dying for, then get out of it. That's right. So then it's the greatest nation in the world. It's always great to come back home.
But the other nations, that if we visit now, friends, we feel that they are greatly in need of this wonderful outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
Not long ago in Africa when I seen the people when they taken the native and brought him in out of his natural tribe, give him a little education, he become very hard fellow to get along with. Brought the sins of his tribe, plus what the white man had, and he was a threefold worse child of the devil then he was to begin with. Sometimes they even have to keep them out of their compounds after it gets along three, four o'clock in the afternoon, they'd kill you.

« E-5 † But they're not that way in the tribe. You know what I think they need? They don't need education; they need Jesus Christ. That's what. You bring them in, teach them reading, writing, and arithmetic, they're better off in their primitive condition. Especially, I tell you one thing, we found less social diseases among the natives in their primitive condition, than we did them who were educated.

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