55-0113 - The Fundamental Foundation For Faith - William Branham


#BibleStudy #SpeakTheWord #Redemption

55-0113 - The Fundamental Foundation For Faith - William Branham (Read Along Sermon)

« E-4 † And now, Brother Joseph, our beloved pastor here, tells us that we are going to the high school Sunday for Sunday and next week. We're happy for that, and may the Lord bless us over there and give us the best of His Kingdom for His Glory.
Now, in Saint John the 15th chapter and the 7th verse. And I wish to read this Scripture.
And if you abide in me, and my words abide in you, you shall ask what you will, and it shall be done unto you.
And then in Saint John 14:12, we read these words.
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go to my Father.

« E-5 † And for a little subject tonight, I would take: "The Fundamental Foundation For Faith." Coming in this type of meeting, it takes much prayer. Takes times of consecrating and consecration also to the Lord Jesus.
At the end of the road when life is all over, and I stand before the people that I've met here in this life, you'll only realize then what this has meant and what a--what it takes and how the working of the Holy Spirit deals with us in them matters.
It cannot be explained now. You just have to act by faith. That's where I receive it. I cannot explain it. I just have to believe it. He gives it; I just receive it and just let it grow like that. That's His way of doing it.

« E-6 † Now, we hear so many people say, "Well, if I only had faith." Faith is--doesn't mean long, drawn-out prayer meetings. It doesn't mean long fasts. Faith is an unconscious thing. Your real faith, you're unconscious of it. You don't know that the faith you have got. It's an unconscious matter with you.
Could you imagine Jesus questioning whether He had faith or not to stop the winds, or still the waves, or have faith enough to La--raise Lazarus up? Or... He never questioned His faith.
Now, the first thing before we can have faith, we've got to have some foundation for faith. There's got to be something behind it.

« E-7 † A man, when he chooses his life companion, he usually inquires of her life, and so forth, and what family she out of, and what's her background, so forth. It's... We have to have something like that to give a--a basis. You ask her.
Now, only thing he can take is her word. That's all he can take and that's all she can take from him is his word. And there's no other way.
And I'm so glad that God has placed it that way that we... A man taking his wife is like us--us taking Christ as the Bridegroom, or for Him taking us as Bride. We just have to base it upon the Word.
Now, what are we anyhow? How'd we get here? What are we here for? Did you ever think of those things, along those lines? We are human beings, and what made us human beings? What made us different from anything else on earth [Brother Branham clears his throat--Ed.] (Pardon me.) as human beings?

« E-8 † No matter what a state a man's in, he's yet a son of God, no matter how sinful he is, how far away he is. He's a fallen son, but yet he's a son. God is his Creator. God is his Maker. God has bought him with a price. He may never reconcile himself to that. He may never accept it. It may never do him any good. But yet he is a son and she is a daughter of God.
And what did God put man here for? Now, we could spend much time on these thoughts, but we won't. We just give it basic thought here for tonight. Then we'll go praying for the sick 'cause perhaps ministers has already spoke and so forth.
Now, God, when He made man in the beginning, He made him superior to anything on earth. He gave him the jurisdiction of everything on earth: to control everything. He controlled the animal life. He controlled the--the fowl life, the fishes of the sea. He controlled the winds. He controlled the plant life. He controlled everything.

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