55-1006A - A Hidden Life - William Branham


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(Read Along Sermon)

55-1006A - A Hidden Life - William Branham

« E-7 † The boy that could ride a--a twelve inch plank a hundred yards could get a--a new Schwinn bicycle. And many of the boys around the city, they thought they could ride it, and was going to win the contest. And they had one little boy there was kind of a sissy. They was sure he wasn't going to win it. So all the boys got on their... One by one to try to ride it and all of them fell off but the little sissy boy. He rode on to the end of the plank, got off, won the Schwinn bicycle. All the other boys got around and said "How did you do it?"
He said "Now, fellows, I tell you what you done." Said, "When they started you off..." (They give them a little push so they could get started, hold them up, let them start.) Said, "You were looking down like this, trying to keep your bicycle on the board." But said, "I never noticed down here. I... See, you do that, it makes you nervous," and said, "you fell off." Said, "I just put my eyes on the end and kept going towards the end."
That's it. If we look right around here brethren, we get nervous, but let's look at the end, at the end.

« E-8 † Brother Jack was just quoting at the dinner table today, something that struck real down deep in my heart. And it said that a little boy was lost, I believe it was in Ireland or Scotland one. And he didn't know how to find his way back. So the people were getting around him and trying to find... He said, "Well," said... In the city he lived in over the hill somewhere where there's a great big cross, said "If you'll just show me that cross, then I can go home." That's right. That's right. If you can show me the cross, I will find my way home. That's--that's the way home, isn't it. Amen.

« E-9 † Now, I don't know to speak to an audience like this; I just thought I'd read a little verse or two of Scripture here and then maybe speak on the Word just for a few moments in my own old fashion sassafras way of doing it.
And so over in Hebrews the 10th chapter and the 19th verse we read this:
Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus.
Let's ask our Lord to bless His Word. Father, we are so grateful to have the Word, for faith cometh by hearing the Word. And we as Your servants today, as men and women setting here come in out of the field to refresh ourselves in this convention... We pray, heavenly Father, that You'll come to us again this afternoon as Thou has always done, for You promised You would, and would bless us together today and let Thy Word find its resting place in every heart. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.

« E-10 † I would... Thought maybe, just knowing, last evening and never prepare anything, 'cause it's usually something else when I get there. But just happen to think on this: "Having boldness to enter into the holiest of holies by the blood of Jesus Christ." I thought I would might take a little text this afternoon for a few moments on "A Hidden Life."

« E-11 † Now, most all of us are in these conventions and so forth to try to find out how to have a closer walk with God. I'm sure that's your brothers' I--way this afternoon. Now, I was thinking maybe I'd talk about the supernatural. And I don't know how to approach that. It's just as much mysterious to me as it is to you. And I thought then a hidden life with Christ, some way that we could hide away, and get away from all of it, and live with Christ.

« E-12 † Am I looking at Henry Groat. God bless you, Brother Henry, I haven't seen you for a long time and brother. I just happened to look back and seen Dad and recognized him.
When I had my great breakdown or come off the field for about eight months, they were real brother and daddy to me. They stayed right with me all the time. I never will forget the day that Brother Groat there, we went out in the cornfield to pray. I was so nervous; I stayed in the vision so long I couldn't tell whether I was in or out. I never will forget Brother Groat when he knelt down to pray with me. He put his arms around me, just simple like said "Now, Papa God, will You come and help Brother Branham? Papa God, will You come help Brother Branham?" That's always stayed with me, Brother Groat.
Oh, what will it be, Brother Groat, someday I hope to have my arm around you and set down by the evergreen trees where the fountains of the waters of Life is flowing from under the throne. We will be in the Presence of our Papa God then forever and forever to live in His Presence.

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