57-0414 - Corinthians Book Of Correction - William Branham


57-0414 - Corinthians Book Of Correction - William Branham

« E-1 † Morning, friends. I told Brother Neville I was just a little hoarse this morning, and this coming on a revival, I wouldn't try to preach to you this morning, because I'm too hoarse. But just a little group of us here, I might have a little Sunday school lesson and let him preach in--in just in a little bit, so we'll... I'll just have a little lesson out of the Bible here or something, and we can talk maybe for fifteen, twenty minutes. And maybe the Lord will give us something out of that. Now, He's been awfully good to us, awfully good.

« E-2 † And so we're tired. I was up a little late last night. I'm... After I was... Lot of calls coming in since I come in, and--and I happened to notice my little boy had a handful of glass beads, just chewing them up, and eating them, of glass, and--and swallowing these... It was glass, and so we got him and washed his little mouth out. Then was up with him the biggest part of the night, so I'm kindly tired this morning.
And I got right immediately at twelve o'clock to leave for Kentucky and go down to Kentucky to appointment there. And then this coming week comes our meeting, and now, I want to try a few nights of just talking if I can. My... I'm not got no cold; I've just I've preached so much till my voice is gone. See? This is four months straight. You see? And so then after that, then I go to Canada and then back to our regular meetings and overseas.

« E-3 † Now, while I was setting there talking to Leo and Gene just a few moments ago, I was thinking of a Scripture here that we might use this morning, if the... Now, first I was just going to set there a minute; I was so tired. Then I thought that didn't look right, me setting back in the room there, and the congregation out here. Why, the Lord might not come back there. I wanted to come out here where He was. So...

« E-4 † I believe I see one of the reasons that brought me here this morning. Brother Littlefield is here, if... He wanted to see me just a moment after the service. And Brother Littlefield is from up in Tennessee there where we had the big--big meeting up there recently in a high school gym. I just can't call the name of the city. Where are you, Brother Littlefield? Cleveland, Cleveland, Tennessee.
And so we had a wonderful time up there. And he's in--was coming through to say hello to me. And so I told him, be down this morning. We were going somewhere this morning else, and then some friends that I wanted to visit, not to preach, just to visit 'cause I promised them... And then Brother Littlefield was here and Dr. Beelan and them, so I wanted to just come by and see them this morning, the reason I dropped in.

« E-5 † So now, over in the book of Corinthians just about the 10th chapter and the first 4 or 5 verses, let's just meditate on that for a few moments so our brother can have time to preach.
Now, let's bow our heads first, just in His Presence.

« E-6 † Blessed heavenly Father, it is indeed with grateful hearts that we bow humbly before Thee this day to thank Thee for the good things of life. And realizing that life itself is just one great struggle, if we're not having it in one way, we are in another. But some glorious day the battle will be over, and we'll see Jesus Who we have looked forward to seeing since we have loved Him, and become acquainted with Him, and a relative to Him. And we're so happy to know that someday we shall see Him.
Now, today as we pulled up under the old oak, as it was, for comfort like Abraham, setting there waiting, and God and two Angels come up and spoke to him, and we're just expecting You to come to us this morning and speak to our hearts through Thy Word, Lord, as we fellowship around It.
Bless our dear beloved pastor, Lord. We pray that You'll give him strength and courage. We pray that You'll bless the little church, and the deacons, and all that's concerned here, Lord, and all that comes here, and not only here but other places, Your church universal. Bless our visiting brethren who are with us this morning in the service. We pray that You'll be with them and sustain them. Forgive us of our sins and speak to us through Thy Word. We ask in Christ's Name. Amen.

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