64-0830E Questions And Answers #4 - Rev William Marrion Branham


The things that I could not answer myself, You come down in visions and revealed back in their lives, and revealed to them the things that was back in life that had caused the things to happen. They know, Lord. No way in the world for me to know that outside of Your help. And I—I—I trust, God, that they’ll be—they’ll be taken care of, Your great Holy Spirit will give to them whatever they have need of.
Help me to finish these questions, dear God, or do as best I can with them, so that Your people will have their questions answered. I asked them to write them. They did write them, and I feel obligated to try to answer them for them. So I pray that You’ll give me strength that I might be able to do my duty to You and to the people.
Now, many of you know there’s certainly embarrassing things that was said and brought out, but nobody never knows that but me and God. And what was told you, that must be between you and God; just let it alone.

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