A Sinners Call To Repentance & Prayer William Branham


A Sinners Call To Repentance & Prayer William Branham

181 Just repent, say, “God, I’m sorry. I—I wouldn’t want to do that. You won’t stand for me if I don’t stand for You now. And I want You to stand for me, and I’m standing for You from today on. I’m going to live like a Christian ought to. I’m going to change my ways. I’m going to be gentle and quiet. I’m going to let everybody do their own talking, everything. I’m going to just live meek and quiet before You.” No matter how long you profess to be a Christian, what church you belong to, that has nothing to do with it. Come right on. God bless you. Move right on out, child.

182 God’s talking to you now. If you believe me to be His servant, the Holy Spirit spoke to me this morning, said, “Make that call, there’s many down there.” This is the day, this is the time. There’s about five or six more back there, really should come now. Remember, brother, sister, I’m looking right at you, I see those dark shadows hanging over you. Better come right on.

183 To be like Jesus! Don’t you want to be like Him, gentle, quiet, meek, humble? God bless you, young man. God bless you, dad with the baby. God bless you, sister. God bless you, sinner friend. That’s right. Move right up, sis, come right on out, just find yourself a place. God bless you.

184 Sister dear, you got a lot to be thankful for. Laying bound in a bed, dying, here you are walking down, the altar. God bless your tender heart.

185 The Holy Spirit speaking again now. Repentance, just cry right out to God, just pray your own prayer. You’re the one has done the sinning, now you’re the one do the praying. Tell God you’re sorry what you done. Don’t pay any attention to who’s around you. Just say, “God, forgive me, I didn’t mean to be like that. I want to be gentle. I’ll—I’ll never cross up and fuss anymore.”

186 O God, oh, how I love it! Heavenly Father, for each penitent one down at the altar now, bowing upon their knees, praying! O God, may mothers, dads, children, fathers, mothers, whatever more, neighbors, church members, deacons, trustees, O God, at this old-fashioned molding-up time, sitting in this hot room this morning, the Holy Spirit coming right down, speaking peace. O God, I want to stand that day to hear You say, gently, “Yes, you come up and made a stand for Me, now I’ll make a stand for you.” I want You to put that peace in every heart that’s here today, God. Quietly and gently, I want You to do it. I want You just to move in there with such a feeling that it’ll never leave them no more, from this day henceforth. May homes be new. May people be a new persons. May everything become new today, because these people has humbled themselves. You said, “If the people that’s called by My Name shall humble themselves, and pray, then I’ll hear from Heaven.” And I know You do, this morning, God.

187 And I pray forgiveness for those who remained in their seat, that should have come. God, speak to them, and may they have no peace no more on earth until they have made that decision, Lord, to come and to be made right with You. Grant it, Lord. Bless each one now. May Thy kindness and Thy mercy ever abide on each soul that’s penitent and bowed in this church this morning.

188 Father, God, I have did this at Your bidding. I have called these people; they have stood. You said, “He that will witness Me before men, him will I witness before My Father and the holy Angels.” Many of these here have been Christians for years, but they’re standing this morning to testify their sins that they have did wrong. They have become unloveable. The Holy Spirit had went from them. And many times that they can’t feel that gentle, sweet, meek feeling that they ought to feel. Many of them are sinners that’s come for their first time. But, Father, they want that wonderful feeling, the peace that passes all understanding. Give it to them this day, Lord God, and may they altogether be lovely and full of Thy Spirit, as they leave this place today, to go to their different homes, to live a different life and to be a different people. We ask this in Christ’s Name.

189 “Room At The Fountain.” All right, you that’s at the altar, raise up, look up to the Lord God, turn around and shake hands with everyone around you. Oh, we’re going to sing, everyone now, while we stand just a moment before the healing service.

Room, room, yes, there is room,

There’s room at the Fountain for thee;

Room, room, yes, there is room,

There’s room at the Fountain for thee. (Everyone!)

…room, yes, there is room,

There’s room at the Fountain for thee;

Room, room, yes, there is room,

There’s room at the Fountain for thee.

Room, room, yes, there is room!

56-0805 - "The Church And Its Condition"
Rev. William Marrion Branham

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