A Word To The Church (With Prayer for Unity) - William Branham


"The enemy will come. And when he does, just cling that much closer together. And the one that the devil is using for an enemy will either get out or come in and be one of you. That's all."

80 Love one another, above everything. Love one another. Don't... No matter what the devil tries to say! Now you're all one great big sweet group now, but remember my warning, see, Satan won't let that stay that way. No, sir. He'll shoot everything, if he has to bring somebody in to make his target. He'll bring some critic or unbeliever in, and sit him down, and cause him to fellowship with you under the quietness and things, and then he'll shoot that guy with some kind of a poison stuff, and he'll start through the church with it. Don't you take sides with it. Don't you have nothing to do with anything else. You stay right loving and sweet and kind to one another. Pray for that man, that he'll be saved too, or that woman, or ever who it is, just pray for them. And stick one with another.
81 And stay with your pastor. See, he's the shepherd, and you give him respects. He'll lead you through, and, 'cause he's ordained of God to do so.

82 Now do you remember that? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The enemy will come. And when he does, just cling that much closer together. And the one that the devil is using for an enemy will either get out or come in and be one of you. That's all.
83 Don't never clan among one, or--or talk and make yourself clannish. We are one. I couldn't say, "Left hand, I'm--I'm mad at you, I'm going to take you away 'cause you're not a right hand." He's my left hand. I want him to stay there. Even the little tip of my finger, I want to stay right there, every little part of my body stay right there. And God wants us, as a body of believers, to stay right exactly with one another, right at with one another.

84 And now you've got tapes on that. You've got tapes on what we believe. You've got tapes on discipline in the church, how we behave ourself in the church of God, how we got to come here together and sit together in Heavenly places. Don't stay home. If God is in your heart, you can't hardly wait for them doors to open out yonder, to get in here to fellowship with your brothers. If you don't, don't feel that way, then I tell you, it's time you got to praying.
85 Cause, we're in the last days, where the Bible exalted... or exhorted us to--to, "Much more as we see that day approaching," to love one another with Christian love and Divine love, "to assemble ourselves together in Heavenly places and--and--and Christ Jesus," and love one another. "This will all man know you are My disciples, when you have love one for the other." That's right. Stay right together.

86 If the brother, you think he's a little wrong, or the sister, say, "Lord, don't let me never have the root of bitterness spring up, 'cause it'll--it'll affect him, and it'll take the Christ right out of my life." That poison acids of malice, and jealousy, and hatred, that will just take the Holy Spirit right away from you. It will run Him from the tabernacle here. It'll kill the Spirit of God, or drive It away from here, hurt you pastor. It'll do everything. See? Don't you do that.
87 You just wax that much closer together. Draw up the... Take the buckle, as the brother testified, a minister here the other night, about having a buckle, seeing it in a vision. Just... That buckles on the whole armor of God. Just pull her on, tighten up, move right up close to one another. Love one another, anyhow. Talk nice about one another, say nice things about one another, and then God will bless you.

88 Now this morning, the Lord willing, by His help and grace, I got quite a bunch of questions here, of Scriptures, rather. And now before we approach It... I think I heard the recorders click on in there. We are going to bring the Message now, by God's grace.
First, a word of prayer.

89 Lord Jesus, speaking to this body of the Church, that they should hold together with God's unchanging hand, their absolute, the Word; warning them, as Paul warned his flock, that, "there would be wolves enter in." You're the same God today as You were then, and that enemy is the same. May this fellowship and bonds of love always exist amongst these people, in Christ Jesus.
90 Help, this morning, Lord, as we read the Word. May the Holy Spirit reveal It to us, that the Church might be fully established in "the Faith that was once delivered to the saints," to hold them. And may, as You gave the vision some two years ago, "to store up the Food," fine, healthy-looking vegetables that I saw in the vision, being stored here in this tabernacle, may we today receive a whole barrel full of That (Grant it, Lord.), or, a tape load: that It might reveal Jesus Christ to us in the hour that we live, to give us sustaining strength, the spiritual strength for the task that lays ahead. Grant it, Father.

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