Adoption Sermons Pt.1/4 (Read Along) Compiled Series - William Branham


#WilliamBranham #MessageOfTheHour #BrotherBranham

Brother William Branham preached a series of sermons on adoption as spoken about in the Bible. “Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will…” – Ephesians 1:5

This series includes the following sermons:
1. “Ephesians Parallels Joshua,” (also entitled Adoption #1) May 15, 1960 p.m.
2. “Manifested Sons of God,” May 18, 1960
3. “Position in Christ,” May 22, 1960 a.m.
4. “Adoption” (“Predestinated Mystery of His Will”), May 22, 1960 p.m.

Adoption Sermon Compiled Series Pt.1-4 - William Branham
60-0515E ADOPTION #1 / 60-0518 ADOPTION #2
60-0522M ADOPTION #3 / 60-0522E ADOPTION #4

« 130 † How many likes the study of the Book of Galatians? Oh, I mean Ephesians? Now, Wednesday night we're going to go into the Seal. And then on next Sunday morning we're going into the positionally placing the church. Oh, if... We'll probably get in on that on this coming Wednesday night, to you people here in Jeff: Positionally placing the church where they belong, each one, how we're called by the adoption. God has adopted us unto the sons; we are sons by birth, adopted and positionally placed by the Holy Spirit. Look. They were every one Hebrews, when they crossed the river, but Joshua divided the land and give each one his land according to the utterance of his mother at the birth, where the Holy Spirit told her.
« 131 † And look at Jacob when he was dying, a prophet, blinded, pulled his feet up into the bed, said, "Come forth ye sons of Jacob and I'll tell you where you'll be at the last day." Oh, oh, I know I may seem strange. The people may seem strange. But, oh, if you only knew the--the assurance, the--the burning in the heart. "Come forth and I'll tell you where you'll be in the last days." And I can take that same Scripture, and take the map of where the Jews are setting today and prove to you they're exactly on the same spot that Jacob said they'd be in the last day. And they never did; they haven't been on that spot until they returned since May the seventh, 1946, the night the Angel of the Lord appeared to me up there and said for this mission. And I can show you that when they come back into the new land, they struck exactly the spot where Jacob said they would be setting. And there they are setting there today. Oh, oh, my, oh, my. We're one day nearer home, is all.

« 112 † Having predestinated us unto--unto...
What does the word "unto" mean, the word "unto"? It means there's something we're coming to, unto. "I am going unto the fountain. I am going unto the chair." Brother Humes, you get that? "I'm going unto the desk."
(Now.)... He predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according as his own good pleasure of his will,
How much pleasure? Whose pleasure was it, whose goodness? His Own, His own good pleasure of His Own Will.
114 † Now, what is adoption? Now, let me get this now; I don't know whether... I won't have time to get through this, but I'll hit it. Then if there's a question, you can a--ask me a little later on sometime in the message, something. Listen. Your adoption is not your birth. Your adoption is your placing. When you were borned again, John 1:17, I believe. When we are borned of the Spirit of God we are sons of God. But we were predestinated. Now, here's what I'm trying to get you to, for this sons of the last day (You see?), to the... See? We were predestinated to--unto adoption.

« 153 † Oh, wait, I didn't get that "adoption," did I? Am I too late? Let's see what this clock says up here, what time we got. All right. Yes, just let's take ten minutes for the sake of these people who's come so long. Look.

« 154 † Look. "Adoption," let me show you wh--how it's done now. A father has a big kingdom; he rides around. Now, he's got a son born. Oh, he's so happy. (Now, that's God.) So you know what that father does? He finds the very best raiser, tutor. You know what a tutor is, don't you? It's a school teacher. He finds the very best school teacher he can find in all the country. (And then we're going now, listen.)
And he finds the best school teacher he can find. He don't just get just a scallywag; he wants his boy to be a real fellow.
Don't you want your children that way? Sure, best you can give them. Yes, sir. So if a natural man thought that, what do you think God thinks about for His children? The best He could get...
Now, now here we are. Now, this is what hurts Pentecostal a little. They say, "I got borned again. Praise the Lord, got the Holy Ghost!" Fine. You're a child of God. That's right. But yet that ain't what I'm talking about. See, you were predestinated unto adoption. Adoption is placing a son.

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