“And a little brown bird flew into the cross” | Rev. William Branham (50-0820a - My Life Story)


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I looked; I seen those little sand cranes going down, squawking. And I looked at two or three of them flying. I said, “Look, darling, they have been…God has provided for them all day long. They’ve eaten crawfish, and minnows, and so forth, out in the ponds, and it’s coming night now; they’re gathering down on the Ohio Falls there where all the cranes come and gather at night. And they set there and chatter together like they were on a picnic, just having a good…?…And sleep together through the night. God provides for them.” Just then, two of my favorite birds…You might know what they were: robins. Oh, how I love a robin. Ever since I heard that story, little fiction story, when Jesus was dying at the cross…Listen, little boys and girls; don’t never shoot my little robin. Leave him alone. He’s a fine little bird. And I think the little fiction story and the song, you know, of how that when Jesus was dying, no one would come to Him. And a little brown bird flew into the cross to try to save Him, to pull the nails from His hands. He got his little breast all red with blood, and he flew away. And from then he had a red breast. I—I think of it and I think, “God, let me shield my breast with Your Blood too, there when I come before You.” And that’s just the little thing, that I like robins and…And two of them flew up in the tree and went to their nest, their little ones “Churrr” a little. I said, “Look, God has fed them all day long. They’re tired and weary now. They’ve come into their nest to their little ones to gather in for the night. Now, O God, someday when life is all over and I’ve done the best that I can do, won’t You let me gather in with the people I preached to?” As sure as God has a place for the birds to gather, He has a place for us to gather. Someday we’ll gather together at the setting of the sun we’re going to gather.
50-0820a - My Life Story
Rev. William Marrion Branham

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