Benny Hinn Exposed - William Branham Discernment Gimmick
When leaders of the New Apostolic Reformation mention the “gifts” visible in William Branham’s ministry, they are using a “slight of hand” technique. If the fictional elements of Branham’s stage persona can be established, the audience does not need question the fictional elements of new ministries. NAR leaders like Benny Hinn have mastered this technique. Hinn is one of several in the movement who claim Branham could accurately “discern” details about people in his healing lines.
Hinn and others fail to mention Branham’s use of prayer cards asking for these details, or the other techniques used for the gimmick. Nor do they mention the times when prayer cards were unreadable or out-of order and Branham’s “details” were wrong. Examples can be found throughout the sermon transcripts. At times, Branham argued with the people in the line when he incorrectly “discerned” their disease.
You can find examples of these “errors in discernment” on
Benny Hinn on William Branham:
Errors in Discernment:
Prayer Cards:
Prayer Lines:
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