BLESSED BE THE NAME ( song 90 ) by Bro. William Marrion Branham


Blessed be the Name, oh, blessed be the Name,

Blessed be the Name of the Lord;

Blessed be the Name, oh, blessed be the Name,

Blessed be the Name of the Lord.

Jesus is the Name, Jesus is the Name,

Jesus is the Name of the Lord;

Jesus is the Name, oh, Jesus is the Name,

Jesus is the Name of the Lord.

Magnify His Name, oh, magnify His Name,

Oh, magnify the Name of the Lord;

Magnify the Name, oh, magnify the Name,

Magnify the Name of the Lord.

161 How do you do it? You make It great in your life. You live such a life that they can say, “There is a servant of Christ.” That’s how you magnify the Name. Let’s see. Oh, don’t you love Him? [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.] Oh, my! Our little song now:

In a manger long ago, I know it’s really so,

A Babe was born to save men from their sin.

John saw Him on the shore, a Lamb for evermore,

That Lamb with them Seven Seals, only One in Heaven and earth was able to take it. In a ma-…

In a manger long ago, I know it’s really so,

A Babe was born to save men from their sin.

John saw Him on the shore, the Lamb for evermore,

Oh, blessed be the Name of the Lord.

Oh, blessed be the Name, oh, blessed be the Name,

Blessed be the Name of the Lord;

Blessed be the Name, blessed be the Name,

Blessed be the Name of the Lord.

162 I like to worship. Don’t you? [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.] Now, we don’t come to church just to hear a sermon; that goes with it. But we come to church to worship, worship in the Spirit and in Truth. You’ve heard the Truth; that’s the Word. See? Now, to worship, is to express yourself to Him. See?

61-0730M - Gabriel's Instructions To Daniel
Rev. William Marrion Branham

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