Brother Willie Retief Testimony concerning Brother William Branham in Durban South Africa


Brother Willie Retief Testimony concerning Brother William Branham in Durban South Africa

In 1951 Brother Willie Retief attended Brother Branhams meetings.

Brother Retief said when they started to sing Only Believe before Brother Branham came out to the pulpit the anointing that came down over the place was indescribable and he felt like he was lifted up. Brother Willie said he has never felt the anointing of God like that before, and that sometimes we can feel the presence of God and the anointing, but it is not just like that time when he was there in the meeting.

Brother Retief wanted to see a miracle because of all the things he had heard that took place, so the first three people in the prayer line,there was nothing you could see in the natural of what happen to them cause their sickness wasn't that kind.. then Brother Branham said.. "Just a minute".. Brother Branham looked up and out into the sky and said, there is a man with a black uniform on and shiny buttons (a police uniform).. and right in line where we were standing in the back, this man got up.. and I can see the light reflecting on those buttons.. and Brother Branham said "Sir you had cancer, but Jesus Christ just healed you"... and I noticed that Brother Branham didn't look down, and even if he could look down, he couldn't see what was going on there in the audience cause it was too dark.

Brother Willie Retief recorded video footage of Brother Branhams last visit to South Africa in 1965.

Brother Branham told Brother Willie that the reason he preached Marriage & Divorce so hard is because to many people are following after the miracles and not The Message.

Brother Willie ask Brother Branham what must they do with the duplicating the tapes, cause they started to duplicating the tapes then found out there was a franchise on the tapes, and the people said "you can't duplicate the tapes", and said.. Brother Branham, we have a problem especially in our country with the poor people who can not afford to pay for the tapes, and to write to America and pay 4 dollars for a tape, what must we do, we advertise them free of charge, tell us what must we do?

Brother Branham then look Brother Willie straight into the eyes, it looks like, Brother Branham see's something way behind you, and you stand here and he looks right through your life, and it took quite a few seconds before he answered me.. and Brother Brnaham Said "You Go Ahead and Tape Them" he said "Billy, Get Brother Willies Address, and we will send you the tapes free of Charge and you go ahead and Tape them", then Brother Said "Brother, My Book, the Seven Church Ages, should be off the press now, Make Sure You Get That Book, That Book is "Thus Saith The Lord"

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