Churches carry a spirit || William Branham


56 And I thought, “Oh, if I try to fly, he’d be dead ’fore I get there, and may be dead now.” So, I called quickly and got the little lady on the phone. And—and we got the phone hooked up, and to Fred’s ear. He couldn’t swallow. They was giving him artificial swallowing. And when we prayed for him, he said, motioned, take it out of his throat. He could swallow. The doctors didn’t believe it. They took it out, and he could swallow. He was setting up, the other day. A church; choosing a church.

57 Phone call just come in, a while ago. This morning, a member of my church, which is really a Baptist woman out of Louisville, she died early this morning. And my church at home, a real group of consecrated men, assembled themselves together and went down, before the undertaker embalmed her, stood over her, prayed until life come back in her. And she is living, tonight. The elders of my church, why, they been taught to believe that all things are possible, come to God sincerely. So, you must make the right choice.

58 Again, the kind of woman that a man would choose, will reflect his ambitions and his character. If a man chooses the wrong woman, it reflects his character. And what he ties himself to, shows truly what’s in him. A woman reflects what’s in the man when he chooses her for wife. It shows what’s down in him. No matter what he says outside, watch what he married.

59 I go to a man’s office, and he says he’s a Christian; pinups all around on the walls, that old boogie-woogie music going on. I don’t care what he says. I don’t believe his testimony, because his spirit is feeding on them things of the world. What, say, if he would marry a chorus girl, or what if he would marry a sex queen, or just a pretty, modern Ricketta? It reflects, it shows what he has in his mind, of what his future home is going to be, because he’s took her to raise his children by. And whatever she is, that’s the way she’ll raise those children. So, it reflects what’s in the man. A man that takes a woman like that, shows just what he’s thinking of the future. 60 Could you imagine a Christian doing a thing like that? No, sir. I could not. A true Christian will not look for such beauty queens, and chorus girls, and sex queens. He’ll look for Christian character.
    65-0429E — The Choosing Of A Bride
    Rev. William Marrion Branham

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