Commit It To God by Rev. William Marrion Branham | Voice Of God Recordings | Lifeline



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| 59-0418 - A Time Of Decision

37 You have to make a decision. Are you going to feel and say, “Is my heart better?” Or, “Is my stomach not as quite as bad as it was?” “Can I move my fingers just a little more?” Don’t think about that. Make your decision that Christ heals you and that settles it, and you’re well.

What if a farmer went and planted a great big wheel of feet—wheat, and every morning he got out there and dug all that wheat up to see if it was going to sprout or not. As long as he keeps digging up the seed, it will never grow. Every time you dig it up, it delays it another day. And every time you look at your symptoms, it delays you too in your healing.

The farmer just commits the—the seed to the ground. He gets the best seed he can find. He puts it in the ground, because he’s made a decision he wants a crop. So he goes and gets the best seed he can find. Now, he wouldn’t have very much faith in a crop that it might be mixed up with jimsonweed, and—and white top, and daisies, and so forth. He wouldn’t have much faith in that kind of seed. But if he’s got the best seed that he can buy, germitized seed, a hybrid, and he lays it in the ground, he just commits it to the ground and don’t look at it no more. He…

38 That’s up to God to take care of the rest of it. And the best Seed I can find is the Word of God, because It’s eternal. Just commit It to your heart, not to your head. You’ll keep digging It around, turning It around, saying, “Well, if Doctor So-and-so said so… My pastor said days of miracles is past.” Put It in your heart. Let It alone. Start acting as if you already had your crop. Get your sickles all sharp. Get ready to go into the field. Don’t dig It up every morning, just leave It there. If It’s germitized, It will work. It’ll raise a crop. If It isn’t…

Looky here if I ask tonight of cancer cases, blindness, crippled, lame, halt, all kinds of diseases by the tens of thousands are healed. It’ll work if you’ll put It in the right place. But if you lay It up on the shelf, It’ll never do any good. Did not Jesus say, “ ’Less a corn of wheat fall into the earth and perish…” Unless you can take that wheat, and don’t try to turn it over and look at it, and guess about it, just commit it to your heart and forget about it. It’s your decision that God will take the rest of it.

Rev. William Marrion Branham

From Voice Of God Recordings and Brought to you by Voice Of God Recordings / Wheat Only

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