Die Daily by Rev. William Branham | Lifeline | Voice Of God Recordings
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There used to be a little song we sang.
If I fall or if I fail, (something or other)
Let me rise and try again;
Forgive me, Lord,
And try me one more time.
5 I prayed that so much, to God, till I'm ashamed of myself, almost. "Let me rise and try again." Constantly falling, and each time, why, He's been merciful to help me to come back again.
6 Now, if we just look it over, there isn't an hour through the day, hardly, but what something we do that's wrong. And now there's no little ones or big ones, they're all big ones before God. So if Apostle Paul had to die daily, how much more will we have to die daily! See?
59-1001 - What Went Ye Out To See?
Rev. William Marrion Branham
From Voice Of God Recordings and Brought to you By Voice Of God Recordings / Wheat Only.
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