God’s Commemoration Gift to the World - William Marrion Branham


We know that the Lord Jesus wasn't born on December 25th. And we won't boast that we know for sure exactly which day in April He was born, as our calendars have changed over the ages. But the things astrologers had to say to Brother Branham appear to denote that this Prophet may share a birthday with the Lord.
Brother Branham begins with recounting the Angel visitation that he received. The Angel took him to Scripture to try to get him to understand his calling, gift, and ministry. Brother Branham recounts briefly how the Angel spoke to him of Christ's 1st Coming before he breaks away to tell us about his experiences with fortune-tellers and astrologers in public. They always seemed to approach him because they discerned a light, a gift, and something special about this little man from Kentucky. Because of his unique gift, they were able to discern the exact date, and time of his birth: April 6th, 1909, at 5:00am.

In Commemoration of the Greatest Gift- the Lord Jesus Christ, God sends earth a lesser gift 2,000 years later. Wouldn't it be fitting that the forerunner to Christ's Second Coming was born on the very day of Christ's First coming? God's solar/astrological time-pieces run perfectly through the universe, without error.

We pray that this nugget encourages you to dig deeper in the Scriptures and the sermons of the prophet. The Full audio library of William Marrion Branham's sermons may be accessed and downloaded for Free at www.branham.org.

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