HOLD TO GOD'S UNCHANGING HAND || Rev. William marrion Branham song 160


Hold to God’s unchanging hand!

Hold to God’s unchanging hand!

Build your hopes on things Eternal,

Hold to God’s unchanging hand!

Let’s try a verse:

When our journey is completed,

And to God we have been true,

Fair and bright your home in Glory,

Your enraptured soul shall view!

Hold to God’s unchanging hand!

Hold to God’s unchanging hand!

Build your hopes on things Eternal,

Hold to God’s unchanging hand!

21 Let’s stand now just a minute for prayer, if you will, while we raise one of our hands to God and sing that again:

Hold to God’s unchanging hand!

Hold to God’s unchanging hand!

Build your hopes on things Eternal,

Hold to God’s unchanging hand!

[Brother Branham hums—Ed.]

…-vet not this world’s vain riches,

That so rapidly decay,

Build your hopes on things Eternal,

They will never pass away!

    61-0101 - Revelation, Chapter Four #2
    Rev. William Marrion Branham

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