I SHALL KNOW HIM - Rev. William Marrion Branham song 99


61 Years ago there was a writer, Fanny Crosby; she was blind. She didn’t sell her birthrights, like many fine singers today in the television and movie world, sold out their birthrights for just a—a few boogie-woogie songs or rock-and-roll. But Mrs. Crosby was a different woman.

They come to her one day, and said, “Why don’t you write modern poetry? Why don’t you write songs that’d…for the entertainment world?”

She said, “I give all my talents to God.” Oh…

Said, “Well, you believe there’ll be a heaven then?”

Said, “Yes.”

Said, “And you think you’ll be there?”


Said, “Now, what…When you get there, if you remain blind,” said, “how will you know Him?”

She said, “I’ll feel the nail scar in His hands.” She turned, went walking back, walking back in the room. And when she did, she raised her hands and begin to praise God. When they walked outdoors, she—song struck her. She said:

I shall know Him, I shall know Him,

And redeemed by His side I shall stand;

I shall know Him, I shall know Him

By the prints of the nails in His hands.

62 And today, brother, sister, she’s walking the streets of glory with far better sight than anybody on this earth ever had. She sees Him, knows Him, and standing redeemed by His side.

    60-0722 - Watchman, What Of The Night?
    Rev. William Marrion Branham

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