Mother Deer - Brother William Branham hunting Story | Voice Of God Recordings



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| Brother Branham is telling a little story of how he went t hunt with one of his friend and hunting partner called named Bert Call.

He is telling how Bert found Jesus one day as they went hunting together.

You can read or hear about it in the Sermon:

64-0321B - He Was To Pass This Way.

Here is an excerpt:

So I love to hunt, and I'm…

125 I used to go up in the north woods, up in New Hampshire. It's the home of the white-tail deer. How I love to hunt them! And I used to go up every year. And I had a partner up there, named Bert Call, one of the finest man I ever hunted with.

126 And my nature has always been to the woods. I was born in the woods, and I just seemed like was raised up there. And even my conversion never took it out of me. Not so much to get the game; but just to be in the woods. I think God is there; to see Him, how He moves. And the nature, how it dies and goes down, comes back again, and resurrection.

127 The sun comes up of a morning, a little baby borned; and then about nine o'clock, it goes to school; and about ten o'clock it's finished; at twelve o'clock it's in its strength; at two o'clock in the afternoon it's getting along about my age; and at five o'clock it's eighty years old, it's dying. It goes down. It served God's purpose. It ain't dead. It'll come back the next morning. It's God testifying there is a life, death, burial, resurrection.

128 Watch them trees out there. Last fall, the sap went down into the root before any frost or anything else come. What was it doing? Going down into the grave. What happens then? It comes back again in the spring. It isn't dead. It goes down and lays in the ground, comes back. If it stays up, then the winter will kill it. See? God has…No intelligence of its own sends it down there. It's God's provided way. So it just follows God's provided way. Goes down, hides through the winter, comes back again with new life next year, testifying there is a life, death, burial, resurrection. Everywhere, it's the same thing; God, in His great creation, testifying of Himself.

135 And so Bert, when he come down to the cabin where I was at, he said, "Say, Billy, I got a good one this year for you."
And I said, "What?"
136 Reached down in his pocket and pulled it out. He had a little whistle. He would blow it, and it sounded just like a little fawn crying for its mother. Little baby deer, you know, crying for its mother.
137 I said, "Bert, how cruel can you be?" I said, "Do you mean… You wouldn't do a thing like that!"
He said, "Ha-ha, you chicken-hearted preacher!"

142 But, what he was, he was getting that little old whistle out. So when he got this little whistle out, he blew it. And anyone ever heard a little old baby fawn cry, it's kind of pitiful, anyhow. And when he blew that whistle, to my surprise, right across from him, a great big mother doe stood up. Now the…A doe is the mother deer, you know. So, she stood up. There was her big brown eyes, apiece, leading, them big ears pointed right up like that. See, her baby was in trouble.

143 And he blew it again, and she looked around. And she walked right out into that opening. Now that's unusual, any of you hunters know that, for a deer to do that. She walked out there. I could see her big eyes. She wasn't standing over twenty yards from me. And I thought, "Oh, Bert, you can't do that, and kill that poor precious mother; her looking for her baby, and you deceiving her like that." And this whistle had blowed, and she was…She walked out there.

144 And the hunter raised the lever on his thirty-o-six rifle, dropped it down; that cocked the gun, you know, with the safety off.

151 The gun never fired. And I turned around and looked, and it was going like this. He couldn't do it.

152 He turned around and looked at me, and those big eyes had changed. Tears was running down his cheeks. He looked at me, and his lips quivering. He throwed the gun on the snow bank, and grabbed me by the trouser leg. He said, "Billy, I've had enough of it. Lead me to that Jesus you're talking about."
153 There on that snow drift, I led him to the Lord Jesus. Why? He saw something real. (He had been in all kinds of churches.) He seen something that wasn't put on. He seen something that was genuine.

154 Friends, we might have church rules and church regulations, and theologies and everything else, but there is a real genuine Jesus. Let's look to Him just now as we bow our heads in prayer.

64-0321B - He Was To Pass This Way
Rev. William Marrion Branham

From Voice of God Recordings and Brought to you by Voice of God Recordings / Wheat only

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