No Disappointment - Rev. William Marrion Branham song 149


157 Aren’t you glad for Him? Say “Amen!” [Congregation says, “Amen!”—Ed.] All that love Him, say, “Praise the Lord.” [“Praise the Lord!”] All that believe that you’re going to that City foursquare, raise your hand. (Hold it, just a minute, with your song.)

I’m bound for that beautiful City, (How does that go now?)

Lord has prepared for His Own;

Where all the redeemed of all ages

Sing glory around the White Throne.

Sometimes I grow homesick for Heaven,

And the glory I there shall behold.

What a joy that will be,

When my Saviour I see

In that beautiful City of gold.

Don’t you like that? [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.]

I’m bound for that beautiful City,

My Lord has prepared for His Own;

Where all the redeemed of all ages

Will sing glory around the White Throne.

Oh, sometimes I grow homesick for Heaven,

And the joys I there shall behold.

What a joy that will be,

When my Saviour I see

In that beautiful City of gold.

You love Him? [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.]

    61-0730E - The Sixfold Purpose Of Gabriel's Visit To Daniel
    Rev. William Marrion Branham

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