PEACE IN THE VALLEY - Rev. William Marrion Branham song 155


Oh, the bear will be gentle, and the wolf will be tame;

And the lion shall lay down by the lamb, oh, yeah;

And the beast from…will be led by a child;

And I’ll be changed, changed from this creature that I am, oh, yeah.

Oh, there will be peace in the valley for me some day;

Oh, there will be peace in the valley for me…(Right! Yeah!)

There’ll be no more sorrow, no more sadness, no more trouble I’ll see;

And there will be peace in the valley for me.

520 Our invisible King, this morning, will be made manifest. I won’t look upon Bill Dauch at ninety years old. You won’t look upon me as fifty. But I’ll be changed, that Day.

And when the beast from the wild, will be led by a child;

But I’ll be changed, changed from this creature that I am.

521 Won’t you be glad? Gray hairs will be gone; the stooped shoulders. But beauty, immortal, will stand in His likeness, the sun to outshine. Oh, wonderful!

…for me, oh, Lord, I pray;

There’ll be no sadness, no more sorrow, no more trouble I’ll see;

And there will be peace in the valley for me.

522 That’s what we’re here for. How many of you need strength for the journey? God grant it to us!

    64-0802 - The Future Home Of The Heavenly Bridegroom And The Earthly Bride
    Rev. William Marrion Branham

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