THE LIFE BOAT ( song 116 ) by Bro William Marrion Branham


161 And now let those who are coming now, come through for prayer, let them through, just if you can, right through here.

…-ness will turn to brightest day.

Then let us all take courage,

For we’re not left alone;

The lifeboat soon is coming

To gather the Jewels home.

Then cheer, my brother, cheer, (Oh, cheer!)

Our trials will soon be o’er,

Our loved ones we shall meet, shall meet,

Upon the golden shore.

We’re pilgrims and we’re strangers here,

We’re seeking a city to come,

The lifeboat soon is coming,

To gather the Jewels Home.

The lifeboat soon is coming,

By eyes of faith I see

As she sweeps through the water

To rescue you and me,

And land us safely in the port

With friends we love so dear.

“Get ready,” cries the Captain;

Oh, look, she’s almost here.

162 Watch the atomic bombs, you can tell she’s due in here.

Oh, cheer,

Our trials will soon be o’er,

Our loved ones we shall meet, shall meet,

Upon the golden shore.

We’re pilgrims and we’re strangers here,

We’re seeking a city to come,

The lifeboat soon is coming,

To gather the Jewels Home.

163 Now, friends, these ministers will gather up around now, close around here.

    58-1002 - But From The Beginning It Was Not So
    Rev. William Marrion Branham

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