The Mexican Baby Raised To Life - Brother William Branham Story | Voice of God Recordings



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| Brother Branham tells of the story of the Mexican baby who was dead for hours that the Lord Jesus Christ brought back to life.

Little excerpt:

28 Last summer down in Mexico, where twenty-something thousand came to Christ in one night. I was standing on a platform many times wider than this, and the people come at nine o’clock that morning to stand there at the bull ring waiting till eight that night when I got there. No place to sit down, they just leaned against each other. They wanted to go to church.
And when we got in that night, the night before the Lord had performed several miracles. There’d been a little baby that was—been brought up. And Billy Paul, about thirty ushers, couldn’t hold that little woman out of the line with that baby. She claimed it died that afternoon. It’ll be published soon now, because it’s authentic. Brother Espinoza just got it for me and confirmed it. It has to be by the doctors and so forth, or we can’t publish it.

29 So then, the little woman screaming, and Billy come to me, said, “Daddy, you’ll have to do something. That woman hasn’t got a prayer card. And I give all those ushers orders not to get anyone in the prayer line without a prayer card.” And said, “There she is down there; she’s whipped every usher down there.” Just a little bitty woman, climbed over the top and everything, a blanket wrapped under her arm.

I said to Brother Moore, Brother Jack Moore (many of you remember him, was here with me before), I said, “Brother Moore, go down and pray for the little baby, or console her some way, ’cause it wouldn’t be right for me to go down there if the woman hasn’t got a prayer card.”

30 As I started to look at my audience again, I saw that little baby out in front of me. The love of that mother, see what it had done? It had acted before God. Her love for the baby…

And I said, “Just a minute, Brother Moore. I shall go down.”

And I walked over there, and I told the ushers, “Let her through.”

And she come, fell down. She said, “Padre.” (Means ‘father.’ She’s Catholic.)

I said, “Stand up. Stand up.”

She got up. She motioned to her baby. It was raining all along. The little blanket she had around it was wet. I never looked at the baby, but I just said… Put my hand on the little fellow. And I said, “God (it was a little blanket), Thou has showed a vision of this little Mexican baby. That mother’s love has touched You in some way.” And about the time I said that the little baby let out a big squeal and started screaming to the top of its voice. Women fainted and everything. That little baby was restored back to life by Jehovah God, Who felt the love of that mother pressing for her baby. Certainly, it was.

57-0519E - Love
Rev. William Marrion Branham

From Voice Of God Recordings

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