The Seven Church Ages Overview (Animated) - William Branham Speaking


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The Seven Church Ages Overview (Animated) William Branham Speaking

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Original Video: Cedar Hill - Church of the Cross

The Revelation, given to John, concerning the Seven Ages, begins with the Revelation of HIM (our Lord Jesus Christ - Revelation 1:1-20) , who is revealed Through the Messenger of each Age. In each Age a fecet of His glory and character is revealed. Beginning with the first Age wherein He is revealed as the Almighty, holding the Seven Stars (Messengers) in His Right hand of power and walking in the midst of His church (Revelation 2:1); till finally in the last Age He is revealed as "The Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the beginning of the Creation of God (Revelation 3:14).

The Seven Messengers (Angels) To The Seven Church Ages
Paul Ireneus St.Martin Columba Luther Wesley Branham
Ephesus Symrna Pergamos Thyatira Sardis Philadelphia Laodicea
53-170 AD 170-312 312-606 606-1520 1520-1750 1750-1906 1906-

There He is with the seven stars in His right hand. The right hand or arm signifies the power and authority of God (Psalms. 44:3). "For they got not the land in possession by their own sword, neither did their own arm save them: but Thy right hand, and Thine arm, and the light of Thy countenance, because Thou hadst a favour unto them." In that right hand of power are seven stars, who, according to Rev. 1:20, are the seven church messengers . This signifies that the very power and authority of God are behind His messengers to every age. They go forth in the fire and power of the Holy Ghost with the Word. They are stars because they reflect light. The Light they reflect is His Light. They have no light of their own. They kindle not their own fires that men may walk in the light of their sparks. Isaiah. 50:11. It is night, for that is when the stars come out. It is the night of the blackness of sin, for all (even the whole world), have sinned and are constantly falling short of the glory of God. Rom. 3:23. These seven messengers are making God known to the people. He that receiveth them, receiveth Him That sent them. John 13:20. They speak and act upon His authority. He stands behind them with all the power of Godhead. Matt. 28:18-20,

"And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, ALL POWER is given unto Me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I AM WITH YOU ALWAY, even unto the end of the world (consummation of the ages)." So there they are, full of the Holy Ghost and faith and there He stands to back them up. Behold Him Who is the same yesterday and today, and forever; and who never changes either in essence or in His ways. It is written.......The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in My right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars ARE the angels of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches. Revelation 1:20

The ""Fullness of the Gentiles" set forth by Paul in Romans is identified, in Revelations Chapter one to three, as Seven Church Ages. Through these Seven Ages, God would begin and make an end of His dealings with the Gentile Church. EACH Age would have it's Messenger holding forth the Revelation of Jesus Christ for "That Age". The FIRST and the LAST Ages had a PROPHET-Messenger - One (Paul) to usher in "Despensation of Grace" for the Gentiles and the other (William Branham) to "Finish the Mystery of God" (Rev. 10:1-7); Reveal The Son of Man (Luke 17:30); "Close out" the "Despensation of Grace" for the Gentiles and "usher in" the "Day of Vengeance of Our God".

As the Angel declared John the Baptist to be the forerunner of the FIRST Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, even so in this Age, God came down in a Pillar of Fire, in the Presence of almost 4000 witnesses, declaring that William Branham was sent as the Prophet-Messenger of the Seventh and last Church Age, with a Message to forerun the SECOND Coming of the Jesus Christ. As in ALL Seven Church Ages the individual is presented with "Two Choices" - Accept it or Reject it. WHAT IS YOUR CHOICE?

381-3 A.RESUME.OF.THE.AGES - CHURCH.AGE.BOOK CPT.10 Not for one moment do I bring a message to the people that they may follow me, or join my church, or start some fellowship and organization. I have never done that and will not do that now. I have no interest in those things, but I do have an interest in the things of God and people, and if I can accomplish just one thing I will be satisfied. That one thing is to see established a true spiritual relationship between God and men, wherein men become new creations in Christ, filled with His Spirit and live according to His Word.

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