There's HONEY IN THE ROCK - Song 192 - Rev. William Marrion Branham


189 Now, that’s the Holy Ghost watering that promise that you took a while ago, for your healing, for your salvation, for a better walk, for the fear to leave you, for whatever you have need of; for that journey down to the islands, for that journey over to the homelands of Israel; to your church, to your place, wherever it is, to your home. That’s the Holy Ghost saying, “That’s Me. I’m with you. Go on. I’m leading the way. You, you just keep on moving. That’s Me.”

There’s Honey in the Rock for you;

Leave your sin for the Blood to cover,

There is Honey in the Rock for you.

Shall we stand.

Go out to the streets and byway,

Preach the Word…

190 [Brother Branham says, to someone on the platform, “Got anything you want to say?”—Ed.]

Say to every fallen brother,

There is Honey in the Rock for you.

Oh, there’s Honey in the Rock, my brother.

There is Honey in the Rock for you;

Leave your sins for the Blood to cover,

There is Honey in the Rock for you.

191 Now, look, don’t want you to leave yet.

    56-1230 - Joseph Meeting His Brethren
    Rev. William Marrion Branham

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