WHAT THEN? (song 111) by William Marion Branham


What then? What then?

When the great Book is opened, what then? (Think of it.)

When the ones that’s rejecting this Message today,

Will be asked to give a reason—When Then?

What then? What then?

When the great Book is opened, what then?

When the ones that’s rejected this Message today,

Will be asked to give a reason—What Then?

275 Brother, sister, no matter how long you profess Christianity, if you’re not inside that Blood cell with Christ this morning, don’t let the day pass. Come in, today. It’s yours. You don’t have to come to the altar. The only thing you have to do is accept It. Believe It. And God, in return, if your faith is direct like Abraham was, then God will give you the Holy Ghost, to seal you into His Kingdom, and you’re sealed until the Day of your Redemption. The Scripture said, “Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby you’re sealed until the Day of your Redemption.”

54-1212 - He Swore By Himself
Rev. William Marrion Branham

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