WHERE COULD I GO? ( song 170 ) by Bro William Marrion Branham


248 Why are you afraid? Jesus was standing here, tonight, He would say, “Do not be afraid; It is I.” Isn’t that the same way He did when He was here before? Look at the grace of God when them people wouldn’t accept it. They’ll probably die with them troubles. And there He went right out, through the audience, and pulled them anyhow, to show that He is God. Certainly. All right, let’s sing.

…could I go, where could I go?

Seeking a refuge for my soul?

Needing a friend to guide me in the end,

Where could I go but to the Lord?

Where could I go?

249 Won’t you rise up now and come? Where else can you go? Go to your church? It’ll perish with you. Go to your friends? They’ll die, and rot like you will. Go to your creeds? God will ignore it. You come to Christ, come to Him, then you have Eternal Life. To know Him is Life, to know Him. And His Presence, when He is here proving He is the same God that was with them out there, that night. Won’t you come? One more time we’re going to call. Come on now. If there’s any condemnation, your life, come on.

Seeking a refuge for my soul? (Here’s what you’re going to do.)

Needing a friend to guide me to the end,

Where could I go but to the Lord?

250 Now, while these people are still coming, I want some of you that’s real…and on praying grounds with God,

    62-0720 - A Testimony On The Sea
    Rev. William Marrion Branham

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