William Branham's Life Story: Kentucky Childhood


In some versions of his stage persona, William Branham claimed to have lived a Huckleberry Finn lifestyle in the hills of Kentucky, fishing and trapping to provide for his widowed mother and siblings. Branham claimed that this was the reason that he was not aware of the widely popular Congressman William D. Upshaw, who posed as a wheelchair invalid in his healing revivals. Upshaw, who had been very mobile before his alleged "healing" became a fundamental part of Branham's revival tours, and spoke during some of the meetings.

Other versions of William Branham's stage persona more closely align with documented history, including details of his childhood life in Indiana, his father working for millionaire Otto Wathen, and his father very much alive until just before the 1937 Flood. Though this version of his stage persona is more factual, it is not the one that entered into "Message" cult mythology. Branham's fictional "Life Story" accounts have been immortalized through songs, paintings, children's literature, and other "Message" cult relics describing the Kentucky version of his stage persona.

The 1920 Census lists the birthplace of both of Branham's parents and each of the siblings.[8] In 1920, Melvin was 7 years old, while William was 12. The census states that William Branham's birthplace was in Kentucky while his brother Melvin was born in Indiana. According to this census record, Branham would have been three years old when Melvin was born in Indiana, placing Branham's childhood in Indiana instead of Kentucky. The Census record states that besides Winford, the rest of William Branham's siblings were born in the State of Indiana. The census was taken in January, placing William Branham's birth year in 1907 instead of the 1909 date used in his fictional life story accounts.

You can learn this and more on william-branham.org

Kentucky Childhood:

1920 Census:

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