William Branham S.Africa Sydney Jackson's Testimony Eye Wittness


massive meetings mighty visitation of the lord tens of thousand healed truck loads of crotches etc. City at a stand still.. William Branham S.Africa
« E-31 † And then, just in a moment, I saw that Light hanging over a young man way back in the audience. I looked, and I thought I'd seen him somewhere. And I watched him, and that Light kept holding over him a few minutes. And I was waiting for the interpreter to catch the next words. Then I seen that same young man stand up, throw down his crutches, and his six inches short leg came down normal with the rest. And I said to Mr. A. J. Schoeman, who is in Glory tonight; I said, "Mr. Schoeman, just quote my words, it's a vision."
He said, "Very well."
And I said, "The young man's setting back there with a white shirt on and suspenders. He came from a city called Durban, some fifteen hundred miles across the country in a bus. And he had to slip away from his father and mother to come. But he's believed on the Lord Jesus, and he's got one leg six inches shorter than the other." And the young man jumped up. And there he was standing, trying to feel for his crutches. And I said, "Young man, the Lord Jesus has healed you." And immediately his leg come out six inches to the normal with the rest of him. And they brought the young man to the platform, and doctors examined him there. You see his picture in my book.52-0816 FAITH.AFRICA.TRIP.REPORT_ BATTLE.CREEK.MI SATURDAY_
« E-6 † And so we... And all the newspapers, speaking, and how the Lord was blessing. Seemed pretty strange to have to leave, where many, many, many thousands of people, they couldn't even get them into the city. They was way out in a great big field of a place,

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