William branham (song 186) - gathering sheaves, beautiful sheaves



To the harvest fields away we will gladly go today,

Gathering sheaves, oh, beautiful sheaves;

From the early dawn till night we will labor with our might,

Gathering sheaves, oh, beautiful sheaves.

Gathering sheaves, beautiful sheaves,

Gathering sheaves, beautiful sheaves;

Oh, praise the Lord, we’re on our way to the Land of endless day,

Gathering sheaves, oh, beautiful sheaves.

On the mountain, hills or plain we will harvest in the grain,

Gathering sheaves, beautiful sheaves;

Yes, we’ll labor far and near, never falter, never fear,

Gathering sheaves, oh, beautiful sheaves.

3 Everyone now, come on!

Gathering sheaves, oh, beautiful sheaves,

Gathering sheaves, golden sheaves, beautiful golden sheaves;

Praise the Lord, we’re on our way to the Land of endless day,

Gathering sheaves, beautiful sheaves.

4 Just a moment. Now when we come to that part again, “Praise the Lord, we’re on our way to the Land,” let’s point upward, “to the Land of endless day, gathering sheaves.” Let’s try the chorus now. Come on!

Praise the Lord, we’re on our way to the Land of endless day,

Gathering sheaves, beautiful sheaves.

5 Well, now let’s get it again. All right.

We will sing and we will pray, and our Master’s Voice obey,

Gathering sheaves, oh, beautiful sheaves;

As we go in foreign lands, doing what our Lord commands,

Gathering sheaves, beautiful sheaves.

Gathering sheaves, beautiful sheaves,

Gathering sheaves, beautiful sheaves;

Oh, praise the Lord, we’re on our way to the Land of endless day,

Gathering sheaves, beautiful sheaves.

52-0224 - Believing God
Rev. William Marrion Branham

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