William branham (song 213) - we'll work till Jesus comes


When will the moment come

When I shall lay my armor by,

And dwell in peace at Home?

We’ll work till Jesus comes,

We’ll work till Jesus comes,

We’ll work till Jesus comes,

And then we’re gathered Home!

No tranquil joys on earth I know,

No peaceful, sheltering dome;

This world’s a wilderness of woe,

This world is not my Home.

We’ll work till Jesus comes,

We’ll work till Jesus comes,

We’ll work till Jesus comes,

And we’ll be gathered Home.

To Jesus Christ I fled for rest;

He bade me cease to roam;

And lean for succor on His breast

Till He conduct me Home?

We’ll work till Jesus comes,

We’ll work till Jesus comes,

We’ll work till Jesus comes,

And we’ll be gathered Home!

I sought at once my Saviour’s side,

No more my steps shall roam;

With Him I’ll brave death’s chilling tide

And reach my Heavenly Home.

We’ll work till Jesus comes,

We’ll work till Jesus comes,

We’ll work till Jesus comes,

And we’ll be gathered Home.

52-0224 - Believing God
Rev. William Marrion Branham

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